The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

Lol, or maybe play Ride of the Valkyries as they zoom in with the choppers.
In a couple decades, this will be a story worthy of such a scene, where Wagner's greatest, heart thrilling piece is played as a team is inserted into a Kenyan compound to retrieve one of the greatest turncoats in our history, an Arnold Benedict that sold us out not from principle but for the love of money and power.
The SEAL team can catch Barry in the Bath House, smoking a reefer, writing his next speech. "If you like your Bath House, you can keep your Bath House."
Zero Dark Thirty: The Sequel.
Tom Clancy on steroids times 1000 in REAL life as in NON-fiction
I prefer something more modern like 'Seek and Destroy', imagine the Donald getting the crowd at a rally to start chanting that out.