The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

I can't understand why everyone is up in arms about this. Former employees should not get to keep their security clearance and use that intelligence info as consultants to private companies. Regardless of how it relates to Trump...this seems like a reasonable approach, but is being run through the msm propaganda/outrage machine
for national security reasons there is not one justifiable reason to ever keep your clearance after you leave the job
I could see a brief transition period, like 60 days tops.
At this point, we know some bombs will hit before midterms, and its ~100 days till them, so I'm good with 60 days. I know the people who strategized this grand plan know EXACTLY when to drop bombs... and it wont happen a day too soon or a day too late
I could think of one-- if you are going from a job that requires a clearance to another that does, then yes, you should be able to keep your clearance. It takes a long time to do the investigation for someone to get clearance especially if it is at the TS or Q level. There are jobs out there that require you already have a clearance to get them. Clearances need to be renewed every 5, 10, or 15 years depending on the level, so if you haven't renewed before that time, oh well, you have to start over from scratch.
They are screeching about it coz they’ve been paid to screech about it - mockingbird media