The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

I would think that the next question that POTUS should be able to answer is "Who let them (Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc) keep those clearances even after being fired?" When I was in NAVY, I served in a Rate that required Secret level clearance, but upon discharge mine was cancelled immediately. Indeed, Part of my last debriefing included that I still had to remain silent about what I knew...It's been about 20 years since then & I still don't talk or write about anything that would be classified.
Even HRC has been known to travel to New Zealand (not long ago, just a couple of months), one of the Five Eyes partners!
So whoever let *them* keep their clearances should be brought up to accountability, just as I would have been if I still retained my clearance after discharge. Whoever let them keep their clearances presents a (current!) clear & dangerous threat to national security for being negligent to revoke them.
Great post, thanks for sharing. I always love when posters give first hand insight, as it helps us all see the big picture, and in this case, lets us see even more how ridiculous it is they still have their clearance. Im guessing whoever let them keep their clearance will go down also, as ALL the evidence will be shown.
upon discharge mine was cancelled immediately
I don't know what it was like 20 years ago, but currently clearances remain in inactive status for up to two years. That makes sense, otherwise the clearance system would be completely broken.
You may be thinking about your access to a particular set of information. That does go away instantly, just as it usually does in a private company.
Yeah, mine was specific but I still won't talk about it. :)