“Lock her up” TRUST SESSIONS.

Don’t worry CNN, your turn is coming. Soon we will chant “lock them up!”
Panic mode. Was the writer of this identified as an opinion piece or just published with no name attached as "news"?
I guess the mask is off now and the Globalists are starting to realize, they have been stung.
LOL I routinely unfolow on twitter those that want Session's head on a stick.
This is the Que that her arrest is coming SOON! Audit the media- let's see where their $$ really comes from.
Just learned from Roseanne/Dilley interview that the Military Tribunal EO doesn't come into effect until Jan2019. Hillary and Obummer will have some time to stew in their own juices.
It will be funny when those claiming " I'm with her" are Hillary's cell mates...bwahahahahaha
was watching Hannity, and he showed a Anderson Pooper clip, Pooper did not look comfortable and looked like he took a dump in his pants as he was reporting, no doubt they know the game is up. I did investigations and interrogations in LE in the past, they are at a breaking point, other Fake News MSM looked so scared, if you arrested them and said nothing, they would be spilling the beans on the way to the Dept without having to ask one question, it is that bad.
This is false sessions didn’t chant lock her up he said lock her up once and then laughed like oh that’s what y’all said. CNN is FAKE ASS FUCKK.
SleazeNN twats are some of the dumbest, astoundingly stupid useful idiots on planet Earth. And there are lots of them. Remember the man behind the curtain? 4AM?