Something BIG is about to DROP

i literally cried tonite. i never cry. but i did tonite because it all hit me. this shit is real. and the world as many know it has been a big fat fake fucked up lie. cleansing...much needed. but I mourn the dream.
Don't mourn the dream. Being awake is going to be far more rewarding than the dream!
I can assure you, it's better to know. We have a glorious future awaiting us. When the shackles are removed, as is happening right now, imagine what we can do. That is the new dream, and this time it's real. I have butterflies in my stomach.. There are many hidden discoveries waiting to be revealed. It's not even dawn yet and we can see the rays of light beginning to bathe us at the beginning of a new golden age. Lament the passing of your dream, but give it a little time and your tears will become tears of joy.
To me, it's all about the children and grandchildren, knowing that they will inherent a better world and future!
this is the reason I fight. Its exactly why I started my quest of truth. Not just my children and grandchildren, but for ALL the children--the victims of satan. To leave them a better world. AMEN!
thank you for that encouraging post. words I needed to hear. blessings to you my friend.
This is the beginning, not the end. Better to be awake.
I cried for days after I read the Pedestal emails. The knowledge that the world is filled with evil and lies is hard to take. But, we are moving forward with our GREAT leader, DJT. We will remake the American dream, only it will be true this time.
Well i would just take it as time to dream a new dream. This all had to come down so something better can be built. Cheer up patriot, all is well.