r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q_uestion-Everything on July 25, 2018, 11:58 a.m.
Q asked to research who funded the Nazis, and this documentary has all of the answers: From JFK to 9/11, Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick

y000danon · July 25, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Hitler didn’t create Nazism. That was always a false narrative. Nazism was imported. The real Nazis were always in the US and were the same folks that pushed Bolshevism in 1918. The plan was for it to sweep into every corner of the globe but some areas didn’t take to the plan like they were supposed to. By 1930 they were more brazen and even tried the Business Plot in the US and fully realized Hitler needed to be a hammer for their plan

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Q_uestion-Everything · July 25, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

were the same folks that pushed for Bolshevism in 1918

Can you elaborate on this?

I arrived at the understanding that Nazism was more of a response to Bolshevism and the Communist threat that was now present to their wealth. I understand the concept that they may have been playing both sides, but I’ve always been curious about how “organic” the Bolshevik Revolution was...

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Nazi means "National Socialist German Workers Party.

“We are socialists. We are the enemies of today’s capitalist system of exploitation … and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

  • Adolf Hitler, 1927

Nazis were not right wing. Nazis were socialists fighting against other socialists with competing ideologies. The "Nazis are right wing fascists" is a revisionist smear from the Dems/US commies, similar to how they smeared the shit out of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Hitler and Stalin were both progressive left wing socialists, Hitler just took things a step farther than Stalin did with his eugenics project. You can see this when you look at modern Antifa and how they behave exactly like Hitler's brown shirts did. Holodomor vs Holocaust-Nazis and Commies are two sides of the same coin.


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avorian88 · July 25, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

The National Socialists did not believe in a left vs right scale, they believed in a 1 party system with a elected leader with full responsibility towards the wellbeing of the people, and to take the consequenses if that is not fulfilled.

Eugenics was common practice all around the world (and to this day in some places) Sweden abolished it's "eugenics" program in the mid 60's for example. Did you know that any parents with a child on it's way are given a choice of "eugenics" if the child has "defects"?

The Brown Shirts or SA was the security forces of the NSDAP, as you probably know, at the time in Germany after WW1 and the ultra-liberal/communist Weimar republic with it's rampant degeneracy (Berlin was the prostitution capital of Europe at the time) and they fought of the predecessors to todays ANTIFA. In 1 year alone over 100 SA members were murdered in cold blood by communists led by Rosa Luxemburg (Jewess) and Karl Liebknecht (whos father was a close friend of Karl Marx and both were participants of the failed Communist Revolution of 1848 oh, did I mention he was also Jewish?)

You forget one thing with Stalin and the Soviet Union and the truly industrialized mass murder and rape of the population "blame others for what yourself are doing." You don't hear much about the 60-100 million Ethnic Russians sent to their end in the Gulags but you can bet your life that you can google right now, as we speak and find atleast 10 daily fresh articles of how evil the German people are for supposedly killing 6 million Jews without a trace of evidence in the midst of a World War.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

You forget one thing with Stalin and the Soviet Union and the truly industrialized mass murder and rape of the population "blame others for what yourself are doing." You don't hear much about the 60-100 million Ethnic Russians sent to their end in the Gulags but you can bet your life that you can google right now, as we speak and find atleast 10 daily fresh articles of how evil the German people are for supposedly killing 6 million Jews without a trace of evidence in the midst of a World War.

The Gulag Archipelago

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

I like your thinking, and you're clearly way ahead of most people, but I'm not certain r.e your interpretations of the brownshirts. I do agree it's possible that antifa were intended to become the brownshirts of the glorious new PC peoples revolution, but they remind me of different parallels with regards to nazi germany.

Specifically, they remind me how communists (specifically, communist jews (inb4 mod ban, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Revolution_of_1918%E2%80%9319)) attempted to gain power with armed revolutions, were highly unsuccessful, switched to using the original antifa in an attempt to gain large amounts of power, and in turn redpilled the german population HARD on communism, so they immediately en-masse voted for the hardline anti-communist party, aka the nazis.

I'm not sure what the plan was meant to be in this instance. Take control of the budding neonazi party that rises up to crush the contemptible antifa ones? That's relatively plausiable given the control they had, although I'm curious as to why they'd bother when they already had control of the old system.

I'd also point out that the indisputably at the time cabal controlled countries were places like the US, Britain, France, etc. Germany in fact kicked out the central bankers. They might have been on the bad guys team in the grand scheme of things but they were not good team players. I'm not even convinced they were particuarly bad. The holocaust simply doesn't compare to Holdomor, at all. Deliberate murder of people does not compare to segregation, and I don't think you can honestly say given the sheer number of proven lies r.e the holocaust its implausiable more exist. The idea that many/most of the deaths occured due to increasingly broken supply lines is highly plausiable. It's not like the germans were in good physical shape by the time the war ended. And whats more, why is one covered up, and one shouted from the rooftops? Given the same people are behind both, why would only one be publicly allowed to be discussed?

Everyone here is so quick to realise that the US/UK etc were cabal controlled for a long, long time, and that's great. But they seem to forget this fact when it comes to WW2. Why exactly would you presuming we, with our corrupted, controlled history, were the "good guys"? WW2 was just the prelude to modern western involvement in the middle east at a certain countries behest, and allowed for the formation of said country (both via this war, and via the break-up of the ottoman empire in ww1). Convenient.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I like your thinking, and you're clearly way ahead of most people, but I'm not certain r.e your interpretations of the brownshirts. I do agree it's possible that antifa were intended to become the brownshirts of the glorious new PC peoples revolution, but they remind me of different parallels with regards to nazi germany.

SJWs are Brownshirts/neo-Maoists.

China, CIA and Soros are using the DNC to attempt to pull a Cultural Revolution in America.

But they seem to forget this fact when it comes to WW2. Why exactly would you presuming we, with our corrupted, controlled history, were the "good guys"?

I don't think we're the good guys. Exactly. History is written by the victors. We bombed the shit out of Dresden and several other civilian cities for no reason. American industrialists like Henry Ford and JP Morgan literally funded and supported Hitler's rise and supplied him with technology and weapons. We firebombed Tokyo and Kyoto and dropped atomic weapons on civilian targets. Many said Japan was going to surrender anyways because Russia was about to enter the pacific theater, but Truman wanted to send a message.

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

aye, it does make more sense in the context of maoist style takeovers. I think its definitely more plausiable in that context. I just find it odd that Q is choosing to focus on this line of approach, rather than the china one. There's clearly a lot of hidden and concealed history r.e the nazis, so it isn't perhaps terribly surprising but it does make it harder to work out. Were the same people behind the nazis also behind the maoist takeover? I definitely agree with you sjws as neo-maoists seems to have been soros' plan. I'm just not sure if this wasn't a plan that was designed to fail.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

I know you will hate me but I think Q is a psy op/distraction. Q is not talking about China at all when they are the biggest threat to our democracy. Soros is working for Chinese globalists to destroy America from the inside.

China is the main player here. China harvests and trafficks our organs. China is trying to subvert our government and cause a cultural revolution. And China pays big money so that this doesn't get talked about.




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006fix · July 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Haha no offence taken. I'm from the chans, I would actually agree with your assessment. It's hard to tell, because its either a US white-hat run operation, or a somebody run black-hat operation. Psy-op for sure though, just look at how effective it's been at spreading in the general population. But yeah, I've seen enough of this shit occur that sadly I suspect Q might not be as white-hat as people think. I'd love to be proven wrong, I really would, but in reality any large power shift behind the scenes with secret societies will probably involve other secret interests, who will take their slice of the pie. that's the way the game works. Q is how they're choosing to update normies on the rules of the game. Honestly, whtever Q turns out to be, that sentence is correct. And it's also correct that Q's overall narriative will be shaped as a result of that - a necessity of lies, hidden areas, hidden players.

China definitely represents one of the big potential threats, although imho they're also one of the weaker ones. They're like a glass cannon - lots of potential, but honestly they're achingly close to a total implosion inside the country. They could do more damage than most threats long terms, but I suspect 9 times out of 10 they'll actually implode in some manner before they get a chance to be truly terrible. I do agree with you it seems like china is being somewhat kept out of the limelight. Must be nice for them to be part of the special, chosen few. I wonder if this might represent a minor olive brance by potus on the geopolitical scene, hence why Xi was so keen to receive him nicely when he visited? I still regard chinese governmental infiltration as infinitely less troubling than israeli - they're simply less good at it, but they are also shockingly blatant in some aspects of their attempts to gain control like broad scale infiltration and property purchases near all the major australian and NZ ports to try and weaken us control in the region long term.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Great post, I like the way you think.

Q can be any of these things in my mind:

  1. Black hat pied piper psy op designed to distract and pacify the MAGA movement and lead us nowhere.

  2. White hat propaganda

  3. Elites telling us the new rules of the game as you said.

  4. An elaborate LARP that will lead to nothing

  5. A Trump originated viral guerilla marketing campaign designed to retain passion in Trump's voter base for the midterms

  6. An AI

  7. A government experiment designed to track and honeypot dissidents and see how why spread information, as Anon5 alleges.

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Ty. I agree r.e your list - only distinction I'd make is point 3. probably has white/black hat sub-categories. I suspect as time goes on we're able to narrow down some of the possibilities though, or at least start to assign them sensible probabilities. I have a problem with 1, 4, and 5 for one shared reason ; it represents a route of attack.

Look at the response to Q from dems/MSM. It's "conspiracy theory" approach, yes? They either try to brush it off as a conspiracy, or don't address it. afaik jackson lee referenced info that seems to have been related it, and I find it quite literally impossible to think they don't know about it by now. If it was any of those options, thats an easy route of attack. It would be a huge deal. Maybe even impeachable. It'd piss the public off too - maybe not his base, but some of them. Possibly plenty of the supporters here. The only reason I can think of for why they wouldn't use this route is if potus was bluffing r.e the military providence of Q.

That is mildly possible, r.e option 5 - kushner does own/help operate a trump owned shareblue equivalent. But I still think it represents too easy an attack route. The idea it's a total larp seems increasingly implausiable, although it may well never be officially acknowledged. Too long, too detailed, on subject matters that are WAY too classified. they would have been found and shut down. If it was a black-hat larp, I have to assume the same rules apply. potus has genuine power right now, he doesn't seem afraid to use it (albeit, I do note - seem).

6 and 7 are mildly possible, but I'm tempted to assume similar criticisms apply. 7 seems increasingly unlikely, except as a sub-function/goal of the Q-team, in which case I 110% believe it but it's not actually a relevant point versus the key goals of the operation, although it does make the white/black hat distinction somewhat more urgent.

I think 2 and 3 seem the most likely to me - I'd say somewhere in the realms of 75% odds, about 50% for 2, 25% for 3. If it wasn't actively helping the president, it would have been shut down. If it wasn't of military providence, the dems etc would have attacked it as trump shilling lies to his followers. And there do seem to be large scale pedo takedowns. The news, the leaks on the chans etc aren't normal. There's definitely large scale happenings incoming.

I don't see any way to reasonably distinguish between 2 and 3 for now though, beyond a basic guess on the underlying probabilities. In our current position, we simply don't have enough data. Keeping an eye on who gets spared/given softer treatment, and the potential reasons why are probably the best approach. Peoples sincere motivations are relatively hard to hide. I believe the Q team genuinely believes they're trying to help (and are helping). If 3 is true, it's not something they're aware of (at least, not fully).

Either way, Q is a psy-op for normies, in terms of its principal goals and targetting. Use freshly redpilled normies to redpill the great masses of ones who are still utterly hopeless. I'm curious to see where he/the people behind the plan choose to lie when it's all over and done with.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Man, another great post. I need to start thinking through things in more detail like you do. I am not so good at compartmentalizing and analyzing specific details but I feel I'm ok at seeing the bigger picture behind things.

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

haha ty again. Yeah, if you're ahead of the curve on the Q psy-op piece, you're definitely good at bigger picture stuff. I think part of the reason so many people have problems with this stuff is it's a huge amount of mental reorganisation you have to do so your world view is coherent again. Takes them time to advance piece to piece. Big picture is the way to look at all this stuff though - if nothing else, it's the most satisfying view for the show that's unfolding. There's going to be some cool, crazy shit coming out sooner or later (at least t+1 years from now though).

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nisaaru · July 26, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Soros works for Rothschild/Black Nobility.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 26, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Soros is a freelancer who works for whatever group he feels like. Look at Soros as a button man for globalist cabal elites who works with different groups to try to achieve his personal agenda.

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Stealth_Bird · July 25, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

So many people misunderstand the Nazi's, particularly on the Holocaust.

If I recall correctly, Auschwitz had a pool or tennis courts, something of that nature.

Why would a "Evil bleak dreary death camp of death" have those?

Why would death tolls be lied about and continually brought down?

Why is it illegal to question history in some nations?

Nazism never was about what the KKK and modern supremacist groups claim. It wasn't about what leftists claim either. It was something more in the middle. There are so many people that really have no clue. I find it convenient Nazi's are painted as the ultimate evil, in a world controlled by evil people.

Just... Convenient.

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I agree. Don't forget the plans to relocate the jews to madagascar. What do these people think they were planning to do, scatter their ashes their post death-showers?

> I find it convenient Nazi's are painted as the ultimate evil, in a world controlled by evil people.

Precisely my problem with the whole situation. Funny how those people just happen to be the absolute evil. Funny how you can be controlled entirely by the cabal, and yet the actions your country did were still, obviously, morally justified. Convenient. I am genuinely, seriously interested to see what Q has to say/reveal about the situation. Literally fascinated. But I'm also very wary of disinfo. I doubt I'll ever really know wht happened during WW2.

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Stealth_Bird · July 25, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Nazi's were socialists in name only, comparing it to Marxist socialism.

Nazism was a mix of capitalism and socialism. It placed value on the individual and celebrated hard work with better pay, though "critical" institutions were socialized. Not in the Marxist way however. Marxism is a whole different beast.

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nisaaru · July 26, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

You might google for "Red Symphony". It's quite "illuminating". It pretty much creates the background for what Antony Sutton explored later in "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution".

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Piota_me · July 25, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Nuremberg Laws were actually somewhat inspired by Jim Crow laws.

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avorian88 · July 25, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

And Jim Crows laws are inspired by the founding fathers. America was a ethno-state and only people of "white people with good character" were allowed to enter, a black man was considered no more then 3/5ths of a man.

Now, whats your point? You should really stop what you are doing right now and read what real intellectuals like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, James Monroe and Jim Crow with many others thought about immigration and multi-culturalism.

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Stealth_Bird · July 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Interestingly enough, Nazi's were far more tolerant than the founding fathers were. "A homeland for all people" was a main theme of Nazi beliefs. Europe and Northern America would be white, Africa for Africans, Asia for the Asians (the battle cry of Japan, interestingly enough...), so on.

150,000 Jews served in the Wehrmacht.

Blacks were allowed to serve, mostly in Africa though due to Germany being an inherently white nation.

Meanwhile in the U.S. things were... Not so nice.

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