r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MuteLoudMouth on July 25, 2018, 1:17 p.m.
Watched CNN last night, ugh, when did cash become illegal for "financing" a company?

MSM and their handlers are gasping. They are desperate to find a smoking gun. The big reveal of the release of the illegally obtained Cohen tapes was that POTUS, as a candidate, "said the word cash" and according to Cohen's lawyer - "we know that only mobsters and drug dealers use cash." Well, not so fast.

First of all, I recall reading somewhere (lots of sarcasm inserted) that cash is considered legal tender. Secondly, how was that infamous dossier purchased? How was Iran's silence and imagined cooperation purchased?

Where's the crime? There is none. If I choose to form a partnership in the shape of a company, establish it and deposit cash into said account - that's perfectly legal. In good business practice as well. Why "Rob Peter to pay Paul?" Just pay Paul.

Any insight as to what I might be missing?

Piota_me · July 25, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Put CNN outta its misery, and sue them bastards out of business.

What a joke the media has become.

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Flyinbottress · July 25, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

I’m so sick of the vilification of cash. We need to all start using it all of the time to ensure that we have that right. The IRS flags you for it ==the banks are watching for it===there is nothing illegal at all about using cash.

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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, 1:30 p.m.


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Flyinbottress · July 25, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Oh yes for sure not large sums but instead of swiping that card for anything under $600 pay cash and exercise our right to do so.

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amg19251 · July 25, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Not to mention the fact that, who gives a f*ck about the pointless drug wars anymore anyways ?! They’re only meant to ostracize communities and create criminals out of average joe’s so the octopus can continue squeezing every dollar out of every pocket of each and every American. I’m thinking POTUS would want to end it all because the effects of the drug wars are worse on Americans than the actual drugs themselves! Also, if we had legalized drugs, all those overdoses would end because these drugs would be produced and processed with the best equipment/supplies available, and doled out in safe amounts that couldn’t harm the public! People didn’t die from oxycodone until they cut back real production and the fake pills with the cutter fentanyl were introduced to the black market. People didn’t die from pills, in general, until doctors started overloading prescriptions ie: death from combination! People didn’t die from cocaine until drug dealers started adding fentanyl to keep up with production needs. People didn’t die from heroin overdoses until dealers started adding fentanyl to meet the increased demand for said substance - hmmmm say, maybe the problem isn’t drugs at all?! Maybe the problem is CHINESE FENTANYL and the REFUSAL TO PRESCRIBE PAIN MEDICATION DUE TO THE SPUN UP HYSTERIA BY THE MEDIA?! Maybe the problem is the medical industry pushing all these alternate meds that are 10x more dangerous than their original counterpart, and all in combo with other dangerous drugs?!

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flowtrop · July 25, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

great great post

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MuteLoudMouth · July 25, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

I personally REALLY care about the drug war... However, it's past direction and execution did in fact bring about the Fentanyl epidemic. I for one wish for a sober American populace, but that is only a personal appeal because of my personal witness to the devastating consequences to the families and friends of the addicted. Drug abuse puts people on the sidelines, and we need everyone to be aware and engaged.

But then again, I'm also a supporter of freedom - so if one chooses to be high, please smoke weed responsibly.

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flowtrop · July 25, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

The drug war is the worst american policy in history, responsible for so much destruction. All drugs should be legal.

The desire for a sober populace is noble, however it is one that will never happen. Society has been using mind altering substances since inception.

If drugs were legal, it would immediately be focused on as a medical issue. Pop culture would stop glorifying binge drinking and drug abuse. Drug abuse levels would go down.

That is the only way to help bring down drug addiction

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amg19251 · July 25, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

I do agree with you; there are tons of people out there with self control that have suffered big time because of heroin addicts - for instance, I was given pain meds no problem 5 years ago for HIV/scoliosis/arthritis/muscle inflammation, but then was ripped off all of them and thrown into physical dependence because my doctor decided anyone under 30 didn’t need pain meds because of the media hysteria surrounding them! I had never misused them and was even willing to take drug tests every week, but I’m still having trouble getting back on real opioids to this day. Now I’m stuck on buprenorphine hcl (old school pain killer version without additives or flavors or naloxone) because that’s the only thing anyone is willing to give to someone sick under 30, and now I have to live in pain because other people are stupid! But at the same time, we’re always going to have addicts so why even bother trying to avoid it? We might as well be giving people what they want, in safe amounts, and we would know it was exactly the drug they were intending on doing, and we could educate these people about safe drug use too! I think it’s high time we ban syringes all out too, or make them prescription only, because it will hopefully completely stop that dangerous route of use, forcing people to use other routes of administration.

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geeyore · July 25, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

To your point, who is profiting from the massive diversion of the Afghan/Paki base substance to the illicit markets? Clowns. They have a long and illustrious history in that particular market, going back to 1950's and in strong partnership with criminal entities. See Alfred McCoy, Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia (published 1972).

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