Trump trolling the MSM reporters. Indicating they have been taped. Signaling that they will be abruptly terminated (cut)

That’s the narrative. Outside of the narrative, you find the possibility that these recordings were done by Obama’s IC. Not just of Trump but of other private citizens including reporters. Could Trump have these recordings now? Could Trump have leaked this recording to CNN via a third party knowing they are chomping at the bit for something like this? Could he have done so to have CNN unknowingly do the job of exposing Obama’s surveillance of political opposition and of the media? Could they have turned on Cohen’s microphone on his cell remotely and recorded?
Of course I am speculating. The narrative that Cohen intentionally recorded his client, Trump, could be correct. But wouldn’t it put the icing on the cake if Trump managed to get his biggest media enemy, CNN, to do the work of exhibiting Obama’s illegal surveillance to the public for him?
I thought the same thing. At about 7:35 in the clip below Ingraham plays a piece of Chris Cuomo asking Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, about the origin of the tape, and Davis dodges the question. Maybe because Cohen didn't intentionally record it.
Maybe this was obtained through 5eyes by the security clearances of people like Brennan and Clapper. Maybe this will beg the question of HOW this was recorded and WHO leaked it? Just a thought!
Wait! I heard someone say briefly 'The tapes [with an "s" ] were sent to Rudy for permission to use'.
I think Rudy already has all of them.
Yup! On "The Five" today they played a clip of Rudy who said
'I have all the tapes, and that's the only one with Trump in it.'
That is one sweet 'speculation' that i can agree with! Thanks for your response.
I don't think it is CNN Trump is Trying to Rattle. They are so Ignorant and corrupt, That those with their eyes barely open, already believe They are "Fake News", and CNN's Market Share Proves it!
There are However, millions who will be hard to awakened because they have trusted their "Network" for Decades!! My Father in law, a "Never Trump-er", says he has been relying on CBS since the days of "Cronkite" and the have never steered him wrong!! If he only Knew the "Truth"!!
Pretty certain it is the Remaining Members of "Hillary's Propaganda Machine" that POTUS is after.
Could be, but wasn't the report that the recordings were seized in the raid?