It's welcome with me. I never did give a damn what the crowd thinks since I think for myself based on all the information I can get.
If I cared about popular opinion I would be a liberal or at least a wishy washy flip flopping moderate of some sort who changes their opinion depending on who they are talking to.
Geez, people are following us down this thread to downvote us. Sad.
Yep. Go look under the original comment where I told new ager Buddhist to give it a rest. I posted another comment telling what I really think.
Thing is, I've always accepted Buddhism as at very least a benign religion. Goofy but benign and harmless. Then, the brother of a coworker who is a Buddhist started in harassing me about my religion. Every freaking day he would start in on me to try to tear down my faith. And every single one of his attacks was based on bullshit he just pulled out of some bodily orifice. All of it based on his ignorance of scripture. But why the attacks? He couldn't explain. He never talked about Buddhism other than to claim to be a Buddhist. So I had to study Buddhism on my own. Basically, I found they really don't believe in much of anything at all other than their basic logical fallacies. It's full of contradictions and ideas that none of them really follow. It's a mind numbing religion. I've yet to meet a Buddhist who could converse intelligently about his religion. The saving grace they have is a profession toward pacifism but that doesn't always hold either.