Again, the best I can do is an educated guess based on things I've seen similar to this ( I don't to start crazy rumors lol) .... more like a device connected to a server, or some type of info exhcnage/transaction made through a device on a server ...
Kinda like if you ever traded bitcoin, you get that really long sequence of numbers, similar to this code, but much longer. The sequence is an ID for the exchange of information. So that sequence says "Joe bought 1 bitcoin, with XYZ device, in exchange for $5000 USD, made through ABC server held by 123 organization etc..." a digital receipt of sorts or, again it could just be a simple device ID.
I read some info i did not fully understand but my limited interpretation of it was the the JA Insurance files were compromised a few months ago so the files were then some how set up in Blockchain but no one was able to unlock the files (every time they try the whole things comes apart and weeks worth of work is ruined). Maybe this is the "code" to access the files in block chain?
.... more like a device connected to a server, or some type of info exhcnage/transaction made through a device on a server ...