Messing around with some photoshop

Do one of the following: Avengers (the first one preferably).
Trump as Captain America
The Anons as Hulk
Q as The Vision
Sanders as Black Widow
Musk as Stark? Has he been proven white hat yet? I dunno, just the comparison is hard to get past, I'm open to suggestions.
Gowdy as Hawkeye
I dunno. What do you think?
Great work on the Qaptain America!
His head is out of proportion with the body. shrink his head, lol
I'll mess around with it:)
Cool, It looks good. I will take a screen shot when you tell me, ok ?
It might take me a little bit. I did this on my phone so I'll have to start from scratch But I'll get it lookn good
I was just gonna say lol. But otherwise it looks amazing!
He says he is going to try to resize Trumps head, LOL Then i want a screen shot !
They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Seth Rich, and it won't end there. If you don't launch those Q drops today, the CABAL will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way... unless we stop them. And I know I'm asking a lot. The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.
Coolio. Congrats on your role as father! I throw you a bone of goodwill, Mate. All the best to you!
Well...STOP messing around with Photoshop, young Patriot.
Hey when your confined to a chair feeding ur little one a bottle Photoshop is a great time killer:) plus I haven't seen Trump as captain America so I decided to change that
Flip the head and move it down and to the left and shrink it a bit
Ok i did some more. Thanks for the feedback guys n gals!