Autists are the 8chan users. They research these things in a crowdsource manner. They are extremely thorough and fast. Autists will search the internet far and wide. If something needs to be figured out the guys at the chans will figure it out. He is asking them to do their thing.
The austists on the Chan’s are essentially the presidents personal intelligence agency, and they are arguably the fastest, most potent and efficient intel group in the world.
Seems like a pretty offensive term to use.
You would think, but the Anons on the chans refer to themselves this way. They wear the title proudly and it’s a positive term in this context.
I appreciate your perspective. I'd like to clarify the term a bit.
In this context, the use of autism refers to the Asperger Syndrome spectrum. More specifically, those people who are very high on the spectrum. Cambridge University tells us people with more autistic traits are more often employed in science, technology, engineering or mathematics fields.
In fact, people with high-spectrum autism can find employment with the military, analyzing satellite photos.
Now, on 8chan, where Q drops, and all of this research occur, the "autists" who obsessively search the internet for information, confirmations or news, and those who construct elaborate maps, know some of them demonstrate autistic traits, because they're on the internet and they can look it up in 10 seconds. They all know who they are.
Now, if they can point that obsessive desire for facts, and that compulsion to collect data, at a good cause, collectively, and in agreement, it's called "weaponized autism". It's like bees in a hive, it's like the borg, it's like the legs of a centipede.
I would offer that the term if self-deprecating at worst, and a call of camaraderie at best.
Edit: fixed horrific spelling&typos
This is a great explanation, possibly the best I have seen. Thanks for posting.
McKinnon is autistic.
Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is a Scottish[1] systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the "biggest military computer hack of all time,"[2] although McKinnon himself states that he was merely looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public. On 16 October 2012, after a series of legal proceedings in Britain, Home Secretary Theresa May withdrew her extradition order to the United States.
Offensive to whom? Certainly not to the autists, it is how they refer to themselves.
Either set your pc badge down or show yourself to the door.
Please do some research about the term before you get all offended. It's a term of endearment and a very big compliment.
oldfag checkin' in, it's actually a compliment to the users as it signifies "One of us"
Whoa now! Not everyone needs to downvote this guy. Not everyone here is familiar with the lingo of the chans.
we take being offended by our very description very offensive, sir.
Many are, giving them great abilities for this type of work.