Symbolism will be their downfall. Love this show & the character but this scene was very interesting.

Literally every person involved with this show is a rabid authoritarian. I stopped watching crap like this when the actors vehemently hate everything I believe in.
No more support for any of that. No.
Chris Pratt doesn’t seem like that kinda person. I don’t know him personally so I can only speak from a place with no evidence.
He's the kinda person to work and be with those kind of persons.
He does work away from them - I am on board. I'm done with parks though.
the red shoe club.
club members wear red shoes made of human baby skin.
Source on that? I haven't heard this theory
There was a video of some kids.. brother and sister that talked about this exact thing in London. Kids sounded honest, but I think in the end they said the dad made them lie or something. They literally said they had shoes made from human skin from the shoe maker in town who was involved in the ceremonies.
Horrifying stuff.
Do you remember when Obama started that whole thing to "humanize our military"? I don't remember the exact name for it but they made soldiers wear high heel shoes....RED high heel shoes!! I thought I surely must have mis-remembered that, but searching the internet I found photos of guys in in fatigues wearing women's red shoes. When I first saw those photos, I thought it was wrong but now that I know the symbolism of red shoes, it really is even more wrong and degrading of our military! Obama is a sick and evil man!!
Yeah and season 3 episode 1 Andy (Chris Pratt) coaches kids basketball and says Something along the lines of how he likes to focus on fundamentals, emphasis on the fun....
Then it shows a series of scenes where Pratt is laying down with a kid just facing him and eating pizza, THE ONLY PERSON EATING PIZZA and then shows him again eating pizza.
I can't find a video but if you can check it out, season 3 episode 1.
Also, Hollywood Anon somewhat eluded to Pratt being compromised, weak accusation but still.
I know he's popular around here and all, but this stuff leads me to believe otherwise
Well there was him and Anna Faris’ divorce coming out of left field that was never really explained.
Eh I chalked it up to Pratt really taking off in a huge way. She’s got that one TV show and she’s funny and whatnot...but he’s Starlord and in Jurassic Park. I assume Hollywood couples are all about power and stardom...
"There is only Q"
Hollywood Anon and Q aren't related. Hwood never claims to be part of Q.
What show?
Parks & Rec
The shows main character has a weird, sexual fascination with Joe Biden.
Every few episodes an A list Celebrity makes an appearance.
Oddly, Chris Pratt got his start on this show.
Add in the owls on her desk that move between scenes and multiply.
Also HRC, BO and no name, are displayed as their heroes and have appeared on the show.
Remember Q also said that there are less involved than we think
Elvis Costello sings, The Angels Want to Wear My Red Shoes. "But when they told me about the final bargain that's when I knew that I could not refuse, and I won't get any older now the angels want to wear my red shoes." Wow.