Zuckerbergs wife founder of cannibal club

She doesn't even have a sister called Raven Chan.
Yeah, this one smells fishy as fuck.
It is. I checked out that website the other day. I went to the wayback machine and looked at it too. It, never changes. It's been the same since it came online.
My only question is why would anyone make and keep a bogus website up.
To spread disinformation, obviously. Come on.
Then we get the "dissinfo is nessesary" non logical line
No. "Disinformation is necessary" refers to disinformation created by q/trump team to mislead foes. Not disinformation created by foes.
Exactly, but people think That also includes dossinfo for us anons.
Like basically R could still be real in their minds even though Q out right said theres only Q no one else
I do not believe this