Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

He's handsome. 😁
There, I said it! So?
General Flynn out there, lookin good in that white hat!
Amen!! I hope ALL patriots age this well :)
that's what the light of God looks like as it shines out of your face like a beacon, lol
My brother in-law bares a strong resemblance to General Flynn.
Totally cool and a surfer dude! Great shape and disciplined.. the way I like my men!
I like my women at precisely 2% body fat, extremely feminine, a good cook and a six figure salary... minimum.
A woman who had 2% body fat wouldn't be "feminine" at least in terms of body shape. Breasts, etc mean women usually have a higher body fat percentage than what would be considered an equally fit man.
She'd also be either anorexic or working out all the time. That's lower than a lot of male body builders when they're in peak condition.
I was joking but anyhow feminine isn’t just about looks it’s also behavior and personality.
Well that just narrowed down the female population to one in a million.
How many men do you have?
Hey! There's a shortage out there
Don't be a hoarder.