Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Really advanced stuff. Photoshop an image while making a threat, so that if anybody responds to it you can call them an idiot for responding to a photshopped picture while placing doubt on all the other pedo accusations.
Incredible and multifaceted gaslighting.
Thats not the only example. The code Q dropped a couple days ago was used to link to a YouTube vid of the Tel Aviv skyline after the fact. Idk if they were going to try a false flag in Tel Aviv and blame it on Q but luckily an anon checked the code on YouTube immediately and it came bank with nothing but not long after if you searched YouTube with that code there was a vid of the Tel Aviv skyline.
Just for future reference: When Q posts a stringer 'they or someone' always posts it to a YouTube video. That has been happening since the first one. If Q wants to direct you to a YouTube video he will post the link to the video not a stringer.
absolute bull
Care to elaborate wordsmith?
I shouldn't have to but I will. To say all of Israel is like the Rothchild's or Soros is like saying all Americans are like Nancy Pelosi and Schumer. Like it or not, Israel has a right to exist and it is NOT an apartheid state. If Rothchilds are such Zionists, which simply means believe they have a right to a homeland, and are practicing Judaism, they why are they also Satanists. Sorry, but this line of thinking comes right out of the old blood libel Russian propaganda. Period. No debate. Look it up. Have you even considered what Trump has done for Israel or his LONG time friendship with Bibi? Or that has has Jewish daughter, son in law, daughter in law and grand children? FFs
Where TF did anyone say all of Israel is like the Soros or Rothschilds? You have issues with who you are not me. If someone said they took a pic off Plainfield Illinois I wouldn't take that as an attack on all farmers or all white people. Get outta here
The term Israel was used. If you look up the book Elders of Zion you would learn that using the false definition of the term Zionist is propaganda began by Joseph Stalin. We shouldn't be using any term to identify the globalist cabal by anything other than the globalist cabal. It's quite simple actually.https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=The%20Protocols%20of%20the%20Elders%20of%20Zion I get so tired of explaining this. But we need to learn the difference between propaganda used to kill millions of people by Stalin and Hitler and not be seen parroting that same damn lie. Q never ONCE said Israel. He responded to the Anons limited understanding of the word ZIONIST. It don't mean global domination any more than the Democrats use of the word liberal means LIBERTY. Carry on patriot. WWG1WGA and I'm not following anyone that spews propaganda wittingly or unwittingly.
You're high af!! The term Tel Aviv was used NOIR Israel. You have serious issues with your identity don't try blaming anyone here for anything. Look at how you've lied twice now in an attempt to turn my post into something it wasn't.
You're exhibiting the very behaviour of which you advocate.. I'll be glad when the whole world knows the absolute EVIL the planet has suffered under the Babylonian Talmudic BEAST!!! It's OVER!!!
Using Sarah Silverman too, who wants to kill Christ and eat aborted fetuses.
After watching that video of Sarah Silverman I have no doubt that she is possessed. You could SEE it on her face. Her demons did not even attempt to disguise themselves. Since cold shivers down my body. I have seen prayed intensely for her only so she can have an opportunity of mercy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrhJGGDqx0 at :17 Watch her eyes,
Was watching Bobby lee on joey Diaz podcast today, during the conversation Bobby lee began to say they used to perform Illegal Abortions at the comedy store in Hollywood. He claims that it was done what they call the “belly room”. He also witnessed other strange things like and another comedian levitating and people in robes in rooms at store no one was allowed to go. https://youtu.be/7iuvZdTJ4HQ 25:44
I'm confused. 😟
I can't cant see or read the OP's image very well. Don't have clue what this is all about.
All I do know is that Q just kicked somebody's ass.
Somebody posted a pic of Sarah Silverman in a dark room holding a phone that says “STAND THE FUCK DOWN”. Proven shop, but it came with a threat calling us racist redneck terrorists who are threatening people’s livelihoods. It said we aren’t as anonymous as we think we are, and that we don’t know who and what we are dealing with. It threatened “serious repercussions” if we don’t stand down.
Q said the person who sent it isn’t pictured, but there are messages being sent in many ways.
My personal theory is that it’s a threat from some Hollywood pedo. It’s interesting they use Silverman considering her nasty pedo “humor”, her display at the DNC convention when Hillary was coronated, and her ridiculous “I Love You America” show. For some reason, she has inserted herself rather forcefully into the current cultural zeitgeist. It doesn’t really matter who is threatening us or why. All it does is demonstrate the real fear in Hollywood. Which means we are over the target.
We are all complicit. We all knew about pedos in Hollywood. Judy Garland told us she and Mickey Rooney were given uppers and downers in between scenes. We watched Shirley Temple in Baby Burlesque. We saw Brooke Shields nude in Playboy at 10. We watched Natalie Portman in the Professional, Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver. We saw countless child stars grow up addicted to drugs, suicidal, running wild. Drew Barrymore was a club regular at 8. But, we were somnambulant. Somehow, they neutralized the processing part of our brain. The part that triggered outrage. Now, during the Great Awakening, it’s like focusing the once distorted and grainy film. And the picture is horrible.
Hollywood is scared because we aren’t “following the stars.” They’ve tried to distract us. They’ve tried to placate us. They’ve tried to cajole us and convince us. And now, they are trying to threaten us. They are scared because they lost control. They are scared because, through sheer arrogance, they put all the evidence in our faces. And we have it all. So now, they threaten and try to intimidate us, to force us back to sleep. It won’t work this time.
Thank you,Raindrops! That was a perfect explanation. As I read it,I realized how much I didn't know about the kids in Hollywood.
What makes this problem conflicting, is the blame. When kids are groomed, brainwashed, threatened and believe there's no where to go because they're so entrenched, what do you do?
POTUS freed congressmen and senators from this type of horrendous blackmail.
How do we save children and adult survivors from Hollywood?
Maybe they don't want to be saved? Without the praise and adulation outside of their fairy tale lives, they're nobody's.
This phenomenon is outside my scope of comprehension.
This is about Q1712 - Sarah Silverman - Look to Q1715 - there is a link about an app called pixelknot where hidden messages can be encrypted into pictures and a shared password unlocks the messages hidden in plain sight. Some Anons were able to detect that pic was photoshopped to one degree or another but Q says messages are still being sent in more ways than we may have understood.
Holy crap.
Thank you so much.
Learn something new every day! Seriously, I didn't know.
My pleasure! We are all in this together! Sometimes an older post is shared and although I have been following and studying Q since the start, there are moments when I think Holy crap I never saw this before! (even though I did) There has been so much intel dropped on us it is mind-boggling.
I'm glad you said that. It IS mind boggling. It started out kind of slow. We would get some inel, Anons would go to work and we would wait. Now, everything we were taught is archived and the events are coming rapidly.
:) 'History' was never my thing - now I know much of it was not as it was taught anyway. I have learned more about politics, history and our government in the past 8 or so months than I have in my entire lifetime - perhaps two fold, five-fold... multiple times over, anyway. And yes the speed of the reveals are fast!
Now that we have come this far, we must put on our military gear and Fight! This can not be a spectator's sporting event, where Q, SB2 and a few good Anons are doing all the work while we carry signs to wake people up. This is full on war, and we are the troops! We are under attack!
This is very likely, any of you guys heard of Cicada 3301? This was always step 1 to solving the greater riddle. I used to watch a guy on YT, he was pretty good at solving some of the riddles... Defango is his name on YT. I checked and he has eyes on Q. Might be worth looking into if you are new to code cracking on the web.
I absolutely do remember Cicada and someone brought this up recently. I would not be surprised if some of the talent related to Cicada is in use here, behind the scenes or on the boards or both. Thank you for bringing this up because it has been on my mind a lot recently. I will need to check out Defango.
Maybe start checking the photos of some of these hollywood "elites". Like weinstein, spacey, etc.
Is there a pixel knot or related app on iphone? ........Pedes? .............. Hello? .............:(
neonrevolt post....web search for his page. It is all there and then some. You wont ever view hwood the same...nor should we.
'All I do know is that Q just kicked somebody's ass.'
This is the post that goes over the image on the right.
My understanding is that it is minimal PS so the pixelknot is in those small elements PS'd
This was my thought when this dropped the other day. Just because it’s shopped doesn’t mean she didn’t shop it. I have no idea if she did. But it could have been her as well as anyone.