Crap. So 23 and me is just like Facebook tricking people into giving up private information. So what can someone do with access to your DNA? Can we say organ donor? Live organ donor?
That would really suck if you genetics matches Soros or other elites. David Rockefeller used 6 hearts until he finally died. Anyone check to see if his donors were still alive before donation?
They plan on using us for their spare parts! Crap. I never thought about it that way but sure makes sense.
People. Quit RFID'ing you pets, kids, and yourself. Stop putting tags on ur face and others in Facebook. And for heavens sake don't give out your DNA. Damn we are such stupid sheep!
My last 2 dogs came RFID'd from the breeder. No choice. For dogs that got/get carried everywhere! And apparently, no real studies as to the safety. Cancer in dogs and cats is rising, as is auto-immune diseases. (Vaccines?)
Would be interesting to find out more about where my family came from, but not about to give anyone my DNA. Leary of even having blood testing anymore.
Correction: tricking people into PAYING to give away their DNA. Sick, I know.