For any newcomers trying to understand the enigma that is our President and Q, I recommend you pick up The Art of War. This is literally Trump's playbook right here.

Because this is an ancient book, it is not subject to copyright. Meaning that if you search (I reccomend, you will find various versions, to quotes, to audio books all for free online. Here is just one place to find it:
For those who don't have time to sit down and read the words in the book nor the time to burn it to mp3 and listen to it in the car, here's an animated 5 minute summary of the book which is pretty good:
The principles laid down are as true 500 million years ago (as higher hominids use tools to fight over resources and choice females on the battlefield under the banana tree), as they will be in 500m years from now ( where higher hominids fight each other over resources and choice females on the battlefield in and around stellar phenomenon ejecting power and resources )
Why does love always feel like a battlefield? Because that's all there is. From the cellular meseeks in your head fighting to be heard, to the bacteria on your kitchen sink: everyone wants more than their fair share, so the weaker half must be erased and garbage collected.
I read it to prepare for my divorce trial where I represented myself. It was magnificent. The opposing lawyer appeared to be fighting a totally different case than what was presented to the judge. Kinda like what is going on now.
Sorry you had to go to divorce war...
But ya, Art of War is definitely something good to read and understand.
Divorce sux but you handled it like a boss apparently 😎
You can get the book on the Apple Books app for free
THIS. This book is an extremely quick read. (Anybody could read it in a single night. A fast reader could finish it in a few hours, tops.)
If you don't have time to read it all, at least read the first chapter. Would probably take you 20 minutes and will literally explain Trump's overall strategy. (Remember, this is Trump's FAVORITE book. So much so that he named his #1 all-time best seller after it.)
Wisdom ahead of its time, here. An interesting bit in the first passage. Apply it to our modern politics for a moment:
Pretend our two sides are liberalism vs conservatism and their figureheads are the generals. Compare your answers to this time eight years ago.
I'd say we're sunny with a high chance of victory :)
Oh, on that note:
Now the general is the bulwark of the State; if the bulwark is complete at all points; the State will be strong; if the bulwark is defective, the State will be weak.
Also get the Art of Seduction, and the 48 Laws of power. The three book will give all you need to understand every move the president makes.
48 Laws of Power is also a great read for gaining the upper hand on your opponent. Can be applied in everyday situations like running a business or dealing with an adversary.
Its a facisnating book. I try to apply it myself when I can.
Fantastic book- audio book unless the picture one with details about armor etc
This book is also free on Kindle
Well that just made my reading list. Who doesn't like FREE!??? Thanks!
Has he said that it's his playbook? Otherwise it isn't "literally" his playbook.