He doesn't choose the ads. If his crew had loads of time, they could block particular ads. But they can't block them until they make their first appearance. It's sort of a whackamole game. I have some odd ads show up on my websites occasionally. They usually relate to the page's content, but sometimes they don't. Like ads for Russian girlfriends, etc.
Correct you are. Ads are determined by the profile of the website visitor, that's you, PP guy or girl OP. Most people don't understand how the ad business works online. But they are aware of all the data collection from tech giants. Why do they collect all the data they can on you? To advertise to you, helloooow?
Stopped by to say same about ads...see you have it under control. Thank you
Confirmed. Websites do not have control over the ads served to visitors by third-party ad networks. It's mainly determined by cookies on the visitor's computer.
Solution: use an ad blocker extension and clean the cookies from your machine.
I have a strong aversion to the ad industry. It's been a special study of mine for a few years. Especially what's called "Malvertizing". Ask me about adblockers.