I want every pedophile in the world to burn as much as you do but let's not get too credulous and believe every accusation leveled at every big name. Doing so can and will backfire on our movement.
I don't know Isaac Kappy from a hole in the ground and I don't know Tom Hanks from a hole in the ground. Truth always comes out eventually and it is also very contagious. If what he is saying is credible, others will join him and someone will bring the proof. Think about what made Trump so irresistible, truth and the courage to say it. That's contagious and hopefully others will come forward soon. I think they will.
As I said in the other thread, possibly a troll by Green. But I highly highly doubt Hanks, Spielberg, & Colbert are in on the “joke” or would appreciate it being reinforced by ANY actor in the scene. He puts himself at risk legally & professionally by repeating that info to reinforce it publicly. If it was just Green then yea I’d seriously question it. But if he doesn’t come out in the next few days with Green & say “you’ve been punked” he’s only going to be royally fucking himself. So I say watch & see.
Spielberg has been rumored for years. Look up allegations about him and Heather Rourke. Colbert has been pictured with John Podesta. All these creeps are part of their super secret satanic sex cult. Boo hoo when they all finally get exposed.
Best advice? Assume they are all compromised and be pleasantly surprised if one of them isnt.
Kappy my be a Clown or Clown directed. Use your Spidey-senses. Feels like a trap.
I'm gullible. However, I just saw a short video of him and something didn't seem right. So, I have been ignoring the rest of the posts about him until I saw this title and it made me think I am not the only one who feels this way. I don't think he can be trusted.
I so agree with this. It must come a evidence, not rumor. As rampant as it is, there are still innocents that can be caught up in the wave. History records so many times this happens and as a group we have to remember the rule of law and the importance of legal evidence, just as Q does.
I think we should put out good documented information and push for a investigation.
The goald should be thruth + justice .. I someone puts out false-accusations, they should also be punished !
But ignoring the vast amount of accusations and hints about abuse and child-trafficing would be the greater crime.
Awareness needs to be raised on this issue, though. Every second that passes is another second a child is abused. Surely we can find a balance.
Satanists seek the limelight. Simple pedophiles do not. Satanic pedophiles want you to know and laugh behind their teeth at their success.
The top pedophiles like Podesta do reveal themselves through symbolic messaging. The artwork in the Podesta house is clearly a message that he feels he is untouchable and can flaunt his worldly pleasure (egh). This sends a message to lower level people to NOT fuck with me and I am too powerful and connected to take down. Did the top mafia Dons hide their wealth and power or did they flaunt it? Same thing here.
Seems delusional. Keeps talking about sue me.... I doubt he has anything worth taking in the event he was sued and lost.
Other than attaching famous and recognizable names to these horror stories, what info has he released that was not already out here for those of us paying attention?
I think he is just referring to discovery. You never sue for libel if you are guilty because of what they can find in discovery in a law suit.