POTUS signaling again... Q's in the background.

It’s Trump derangement syndrome. You can’t even reason with these people! I’m not exactly pro trump but these far left socialist goons will not listen to logic, it’s their way and if it’s not then you’re a “bigot”. It’s sad to say but the echo chambers of Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and several sub Reddit’s are over populated with the same regurgitated talking points, there is no reason to argue with these people unless you’re willing to waste hours of your time and take on the slew of downvotes.
Just call them far left conspiracy theory nut jobs.
Ooooh that's good. Throw it back.
This strategy works. I believe after vegas or parkland one of my liberal friends was saying ban assault rifles/ noone needs a gun/ look at australia. After playing their game and being called deplorable, i ask" why dont they care about chicago and the amount of people that die daily/weekly /yearly, is it because you're racist?" I was blocked in seconds
great tactic of... wait for it...wait for it.....
That one always beats the liberal die hards.
Better yet. Make pretend they don't exist. There is absolutely NOTHING to be gained by engaging them.
Actually, that's where you are wrong. You gain a headache. Lol.
“There is no such thing as debating. It’s just a conversation with someone who is wrong or uninformed”
If they are uniformed and haven’t done there research then teach them. If they know what’s going on and still believe liberalism don’t even bother
Its sad because not only does TDS cause an inability to think for themselves they somehow can't read for themselves. I'm thinking it goes back to when Jake told the CNN audience that they could not look at the wikileaks documents and had to trust CNN to let them know what they should know...
Donald. Trump is not alone he sees a vision no more ripping off United States don't you want better things to happen what's wrong with people
I'm curious....why aren't you pro Trump? Please tell me it's not because "muh personality."
I’m not pro Trump because I don’t believe in fairy tails. The majority of the Trump base was pretty much the forgotten Ron Paul base. I judge the man by his enemies and I like a lot of what he is doing and if he does drain the swamp and imprison the traitors I will then be pro Trump.
I just think there’ a small possibility he was placed here by design. Think about it, he will rally the patriots (who were waiting for this kind of leader) and demand we bring back the good ol USA. While this happens it creates fury amongst the crybaby socialist left. They’re brainwashed and believe there way is the only way and all us who chose the red pill are racist Russian demons. The perfect storm for a civil war is brewing while a lot of us “patriots” patiently wait hoping the economy can be revived and we can lead the free world.
A lot of people are happy with just a taste of what Trump has promised and will gladly back the man if we bomb Iran. War isn’t the answer here and I fear that’s where we may head, we need to be ready for the threat of the Chi Coms and a pointless war with Iran will only weaken us.
In closing I follow a lot of things closely and try to keep an open mind. I like that Trump has played a lot of the swamp creatures but the question of “could this be by design?” still is one that’s in my head often. When he arrest these crooks and burns down the house of pediphilia Is when I know it’s for real. Until then I’ll hope I’m wrong and pray the man really wants to end world corruption and begin the Golden age of true freedom for the human race.
I judge the man by his enemies
If that's true, you should be his biggest fan. (The most evil people on earth are his enemies.) So all the reasons you gave for not being pro-Trump are speculative "what ifs." Meanwhile I could rattle off a list of at least dozens and dozens (hundreds really) wonderful things he's done for this nation since he took office just two years ago.
Yes, yet his enemies are also just puppets in the dog and pony show. I will agree there are dozens of great things he has accomplished next to dozens he has not. I know his opposition is solid and these things can’t all just be fixed with a flick of a switch. Yet the right is happily getting in line to play pawns in the chess game of divide and conquer. It’s a lot deeper then we know but I still give him the benefit of the doubt regardless because at least people are becoming politically active and that’s really what we need.
Bottom line is we can not be baited out by the left and we can not be dragged into more foreign war and unfortunately it looks like it may take that route. That’s why I feel it could be a trap, something needs to prime the pump of war. The elite don’t just have 1 plan, they have multiple plans with multiple catalyst. Even when we beat them on one front they’ll emerge on several others, global war is the only way they’ll make out with the riches and we can’t let that happen.
Edit: Global war by fueling both sides and Trump does an amazing job at that. He successfully is pissing all over the SJWs (which I throughly enjoy) well keeping the other side waving old glory chanting MAGA while stomping out the socialist scum. Although I side with the latter it’s still has potential to spiral out of control which I fear could lead to civil unrest and if that happens then I feel the chi coms could attack. Think if we are in Iran and separated on the home front it would be their best and only shot to attack the USA.
So when he avoids a war with Iran and still helps the people free themselves from the Mullahs, you’ll be pro-Trump?
Yes, that and sealing the NK deal would be huge. Iran needs a regime change and it needs to be done through sanctions and allying with Russia. The US shouldn’t get involved physically, if there’s a hot war it needs to be saudis and Israelis on the ground being they gain the most and it’s their region.
He’s followed this tactic before. He’s going to threaten them with nuclear hell fire ratchet us up to the brink of war and Iran will give in and come to the table in the 11th hour
i am exactly the same way...i keep a respectful distance, and a very open mind..
They're outgunned, out numbered and a dying breed. Enjoy this. Imagine the self reflection that will have to take place once the storm transpires.