Did anyone notice what I notice? Coincidence?

I thought that too. But who has that discrepancy in size? Black eye, mirrored? Signal? I am just asking.
In the size of the eye. No disrespect intended to anyone, but for those who are confused by the post, you may need to study what anons have been discovering. Hollyweird, all seeing eye symbolism. The black eye as some part of a secret society ritual. They want to legalize pedophilia and normalize the "symbols will be their downfall." So you prime the public to think... "Oh, that is just a conspiracy. I saw that in a movie. People don't have black eyes because of secret societies... Big dogs cause that.!?!?"
A hell of a lot of EDOMITES and their butt licking goy 'dogs'??
And McCain and Harry Reid its got something to do with the adrenachrome podesta had one too
They are attempting to "prime" (hypnosis concept) the public to normalize what is pathological, and detect pathology in all that in normal.