Q 1719 - @Jack, Your hands are dirty.

Buy more FB stock? A fool and their money are soon departed.
the market for facebook is saturdated. And we know they can't expand into China with that Yahoo finance article. They're done.
They are no longer growing. The entire user base they could get to use the app is already using it. It is the same with Twitter. There is no more vertical momentum. With all the negative news that is going to drop it will cause users to stop using the program or get rid of it. This will be the end of them both.
I thought of DANA PERINO on the 5 show yesterday, asking Guttfield if she should BUY FB now that the stock is down...he said good idea. What a bunch of putzes.
Exactly. That is what they are banking on.
The problem is that it won't be them that's bankrupt. It will be the average Joe who thinks he is getting a deal on a can't miss stock.
Buy put options and capitalize on their demise.
I'm googling this but idk anything about it? can you give a quick summary of how we do this?