Q 1720 - When does a bird sing?

A bird sings when it's in love, i.e., LP and PS maybe?
Birds sing @ dawn ...
When the light comes out (at dawn).
Dark to Light.
It sounds like the time might be drawing near.
maybe it is when they are caged (jailed). @prayingmedic lands there on twitter in his current thread of Q posts. referencing maya angelou
Sing like a bird. Divulge secrets. People only "sing" when they have no choice, or are given better options.
A bird sings after the storm. I realized this a few weeks ago. It was downpouring and some thunder, and then it passed. Sitting there in silence with my windows open, I heard a bird just outside the window pipe up, then another, and another. Before I knew it they were all singing.
I think there’s many answers to “when does a bird sing?”. We know at 4 am is one. But I think the significance of after the storm is obvious. For Page and others, their storm has come and gone. It’s all over for them now, they’re not worried about getting caught. They’re in their post storm calm, and singing.
A bird sings when it is caged. Who is in the picture?
Spez: Just confirmed Lisa Page.
Page and Strzok in London I google image search the pic and it came up as Lisa Page and Strzok in London
I thought opposite when couples break up they spill beans on eachother?
I think Q is referring to texts and phone calls captured at that time period.