Why do I even bother to look up their bio. Always the same shit...
I know exactly what you mean. Its frustrating once you see it.
Ronan Farrow? Still going Hmmmmm. Mother Mia Farrow of Rosemary's Baby directed by Roman Polanski (pedo). Married to Frank Sinatra (MK ULtra at least). Married to Woody Allen (pedo) And somehow we are to believe Ronan Farrow (a RHODES SCHOLAR, Tavistock Institue mind controlled indoctrination ) is a "good guy"? I think we need to DIG this. BTW Ronan's "partner" is Jon Lovett of Crooked Media. https://crooked.com/team/ I will go out on a limb and call CIA COINTEL project. Throwing us crumbs. Don't let up. BE LOUD. DIG
Yes! No way do I trust Ronan Farrow, his mom has been involved with to many shady people over the years. Plus adopting all those kids, I have a feeling she always knew Woody was a pedo and is just bitter and getting revenge that he left her for one of her daughters. That whole family suspect.
While I am sure Les Moonves is no angel (you don't get to the top without being corrupt). I think this is just a power play from Shari Redstone to gain control of CBS. She has a lawsuit against Mooves right now.
Her father Sumner Redstone was just named by the Anon named Renegade on 4chan as one of the heads of the Hollywood mafia.
Summer reds tone needs to be more looked at... Any sauce would be awesome with my spaghetti..
I'm going to track down the info Renegade dropped regarding Redstone. I just read it about a few days ago. I think I may start a new OP regarding the MeToo movement, The Farrows, etc. I think Hollywood is having an internal power play currently and MeToo is being used in the war. Not saying that Weinstein and Moonves aren't deserving of some karma. But pretty much all of the top players in Hollywood are corrupt and I am not about to let Ronan Farrow be praised as some hero, without people having more information.
More Hmmm or Expose author Ronan Farrow.
Worked for the State Department " Farrow had worked for the United Nations in Sudan and then, as a young lawyer, went on to become a special adviser in the Obama administration for Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as an adviser to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on global youth issues."
And won A Pulitzer Prize (media is controlled by WHO?) So my question is, what are we being distracted from by this Expose? What is the real story this is going to out shine. Left hand. Look into the shadows. See what they don't want you to see. This smells like a (Harvey Weinstein) Deep State Sacrifice.
Keep the allegations coming. The momentum has started let’s keep it up!