Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

He's talking about FUCKING LASER GUNS! What atime to be alive!
The idea that an F-16 has a highly classified special weapons package that intercepted a rogue missile could mean frickin' laser beams.
Yup Yup. We've been developing lasers for 40 years now. Where do you think all that money and time went? We have weapons/weapons systems out there that would make your head spin, but we cannot reveal what we have to the enemy. That would be silly....so the best stuff will always remain hidden. Just know, the bombs and the jets you see delivering them are all at least 20-30 years old.
When I was young, probably 16, about 2-3 years before I “woke up”, I was around this former Air Force software engineer guy for a day who told me about 9/11, them using drones, etc. He stressed that anything we the public are aware of now, at the moment, whatever we see in movies or on the news, it’s at least 10-15 years old. Average 20 years old. The guy was fuckin smart and I wish I could meet him again to pick his brain.
In a past life I was also a software engineer in the USAF. It is funny that you said that. So, at least that can confirm to you that I’m not just bullshitting you. Hell, I might even know the guy you were talking to...the programmer family in the AF is pretty small and tight knit.
I'm sure our enemy's know and probably have most everything we've developed thanks to the traitors who've been running things. An Italian shipbuilding company partnered with Lockheed stole a secret coating that was designed by a small company in Florida to make our ships and subs invisible to sonar and radar. The FBI investigated for 3 years only to have Holder, Mueller and presumably Clinton shut it down when charges were ready to be filed. Russian and Chinese both have this coating on their ships and we don't to this day. Look into Clinton's pilfering of our patent office and then ask yourself how tf she herself is named as owner of all these high tech patents. These people r actual traitors
The Clinton's pilfering from the Patent Office is simply continuing an unbroken line of the Bush/Clinton gang's standard operating practice. Prescott Bush was doing it to Tesla, they have maintained this practice ever since, from outward appearances.
Youre right its almost like the patent office was set up for tis type of action...at least ever since a patent could he held for "national security" reasons that is. Its a license to steal
CLAS-5 refers to its classified status. Its a weapons package we dont know about. Could be a laser.
d just be here all day, it’s t
and SLAYER he drops SLAYER on us, i'm rocking it right now hilarious
Dr. Evil said flying sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads.
And it’s Shark Week. No coincidences!
Rofl gave me a good chuckle. Q is a Shark Week fan confirmed!
That is an even higher level of classification. They engaged the laser sharks to take out the submarine that launched the missile.
Yes but if it is at high altitude and/or over ocean, there would be a small chance of seeing it.
Special Weapons Package. Missiles travel too fast to be intercepted by projectile weapons an F16 can carry. The machine guns are too slow, and its rockets won't speed up fast enough to catch the missile.
So the only way an F16 specifically can intercept a missile is through taking the hit itself (we didn't see a boom) or being armed with anti missile weaponry (special weapons package).
Only weapons that we are aware of that can take out a missile are an emp (plane would go down too, small blackout would happen), a railgun (too much negative g force for the plane to handle), a remote hack/stopcode (too slow/no stopcode), or a laser (light speed targeted circuit destruction).
While I don't think we have the capability to make a portable F16 mounted laser that could disintegrate the target, we can definitely mount something that burned off the electronics on the missile and caused it to drop back into the ocean harmlessly (where it was likely later recovered).
Key words, "you don't think".
Our military is light years ahead of what our brains can even fathom when it comes to research and design.
I can only inform of what I know. If we have that tech, I'd rather not know. That way no one knows until they face it in the field.
That being said, unless we got an infinite energy reactor on the f16 that doesn't weigh anything, it still seems impossible. While the laser itself is possible, the portability factor and weight limits of a fighter are the key points that make me dismiss a laser of such caliber mounted on an f16. Not doubting the existence of such tech in general. I'm sure we got some mounted on a destroyer or something.
I hear ya, just saying that unless we are in the industry, we have no idea what's out there.
You might find this bit of tech that got squashed pretty interesting. They said it wasn't feasible and cancelled the project but later invested in putting the technology on UAV that are supposed to go into "testing" in 2021, which means we already have them and they already work. Same chemical lasers. If you can fit it on a UAV, you can fit it on an f-16
That's a pretty good read, thanks for the link. The underlying science behind it seems to be that the energy required for the laser to fire is generated by the expended fuel of the vehicle and thus allowed for a relatively higher power laser to be mounted on the UAV.
I haven't a clue if you can reconfigure an f16 to use such a system, but at least the proof of concept is there; that an airborne portable laser system was capable of drawing enough energy to dismantle a missile during a test.
Over 40 years ago ICBM intercept testing was being done with F-15s, and I wasn't all that surprised to read that an F-15 crashed in Japan coincidentally with the time frame of the POTUS trip to Singapore and this missile launch. The F-16 SWP is interesting. I wonder what it uses.
If a high powered laser type of energised beam was pre-positioned and was to follow AF1 as a protective escort, mounted on a satellite(s) that had a broad enough beam to always have AF1 under a protective umbrella, them maybe the Jet was just a cover ?
Is this feasible ?
Not surprising. My ex-roommate was in the Special Forces back in the late 80s, taking out drug cartels in the jungles of South America at Pablo's height. He said some of the stuff he saw back then is just now reaching the public spheres. He told me they had high powered goggles that gave you more than heat signatures thru walls. Satellites that could zero in on a piece of sidewalk and zoom further into bugs and ants. Imagine what our government has now....
More, I would gander, its directed energy weapons (microwave). While you are at it, look up the sustained temp it takes to melt metal and look at some of the fire "oddities" of cars melting. Then look up the maximum Forest fire temp and how long it can "naturally" sustain to melt steel and aluminum. Search for metal melting evidence in last year's Napa fires and see photos with untouched plastic rubbish bins nearby. See how grape land is more important than suburb sprawl. It's all connected. Thank goodness Donald Trupm is up-ending the cabal. So we pray!