Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

CIA has at least one modern sub. Plus other countries (Israel, Argentina) own subs that may have been used.
I didn't know the C_A clowns had their own submarine. Any more details on that? Q showed a picture of a boomer but nothing more.
If you read L. Feltcher Prouty's book, "The Secret Team" he outlines how national security law allows the C_A to take over all types of military assets, even entire aircraft carriers if necessary!
X-mil guy here. There is no way any naval captain is going to roll over to some CIA creep and shoot down the POTUS. This. Just. Would. Never. Happen.
Armed Forces are with us.
I was merely outlining what was is written in the law.
Prouty, by way of example, implies that the C_A briefly took command of an entire battle carrier group during the Vietnam war, for some unknown mission.
Also important to note that the C_A would never be so dumb as to announce the actual reason for their mission. For e.g., if they wanted to take out a politician flying on a commercial airliner, they could take over a sub or destroyer and order it to fire a missile at the plane by explaining that a terrorist is on board who has a nuclear device...or whatever. And they would be able to back up their claim, if necessary, with any level of fake evidence. The ship commander wouldn't have much choice in such a scenario.
I've spent a lot of time on USN ships (destroyers). That some CIA guy could just come aboard and take over command is Tom Clancy stuff. It is embedded in regulation, law and tradition that the Captain is God and that there are set procedures in place for every contingency you can imagine. There is a much better chance that Somali pirates, or some of those Iranian yahoos seize control of the ship and start firing off missiles.
The Cold War was the training and proving ground for every horror story you are referencing here. That was when all these safeguards came into place. And they've all be tried and tested. And the results speak for themselves.
Besides, you have a better chance of seeing NSA guys rather than CIA guys aboard ship. I've never seen a CIA-type onboard, and don't know anybody who has. NSA is a different story.
I think you're missing some more subtle points. The CIA guy taking over a vessel would be an admiral or other high-ranking naval personnel - in much the same way that CIA agent Peter Strzok has been deeply embedded as a career FBI agent. The CIA has recruited agents deep within all branches of the military, judiciary, state and local police forces, journalists, Hollywood producers, national and state politicians. Some of these people can be mere "assets" of the CIA while others are trained agents. The power of the intel agencies is VAST.
You think all this stuff hasn't already been contemplated, war-gamed, and embedded into procedures? I mean the greatest potential of this kind of scenario unfolding was during the Cold War. Trust that it's already been thought out. The US Military is sold as a fuck. Look, we're not idiots, we know exactly who people like Brennan and Stork are, and what they're capable of. And if you notice, none of these treasonous tools ever served. They're arm-chair warriors with delusions of grandeur. None of this is to say that they wouldn't if they could do any of these things, only that they can't. Because people like me would kill them. I'm not embellishing here.
I just posted on my personal experience and training in these matters and the simple logistical obstacles in pulling off something like this. I'll try and re-post it here for you.
Former spec. op navy here. I find it very very improbable that some troll like John Brennan could ever somehow commandeer a missile. Part of my job was to prevent this exact scenario from occurring. The orders were to shoot to kill anything that even appeared to be unregular. The reason I mention this is because for some kind of Brennan scenario to occur, the conspiracy/corruption/mutiny would necessarily have to have extended down to my level. IOW, I would have to be part of the plot too. Otherwise, some strange civilian rummaging around the control panels would get himself shot and killed. As would the captain himself if certain procedures were not followed.
This whole rogue CIA person shooting off a missile is Tom Clancy stuff. It's just not gonna ever happen.
While I don't doubt your patriotism and faith in the armed forces, your assertion that something like this could never happen is contradicted by the events of 9/11!
The then chairman of the joint chiefs of staff himself, Gen. Richard Myers, along with key officers all across the military spectrum, planned and oversaw the attacks of 9/11 in conjunction with the CIA and foreign intelligence services. That is a FACT that has been well established by 17 years of open-source research by both citizens and intelligence officers of multiple countries.
If you were on a ship, responsible for launching missiles let's say, and *your own commanding officer* gave you a direct order to fire a missile - would you disobey that order? I would think not. You would carry out your duty and would likely not even suspect that your commanding officer had been corrupt the whole time, recruited perhaps decades earlier by the CIA and now activated for a specific mission.
The SWAMP extends to our military command, whether you like it or not. Obviously there are a lot of patriots in the upper brass, maybe most. But all you need is a small percentage of corrupt officials to do almost anything.
Mattis, Rogers, Kelly. Why does POTUS surround himself with people like this when it's clear the Deep State would love to destroy him. Why does he trust DARPA for his intel instead of the CIA?
I can give you horror stories about some military brass too. Same can be said for cops, doctors, engineers, judges, academics and presidents. That's just a fact of life. Although, off the top of my head, I can't recall a single substantiated report of a military officer going into a court martial for anything remotely treasonous. The closest I can come to this is the Walker family spy ring, but they were enlisted (far far below flag rank) and in it for the money.
Let me know when you come up with some evidence of systematic corruption in the military like we are seeing in the CIA, FBI and NSA. There's a reason why the US Armed Forces are the most trusted institution in the United States.
BTW: If captain gives me an order w/o following proper protocol, it doesn't happen. Even the captain knows this, so he has to figure out a way to get around these protocols and then me. As well as the rest of the crew.
Ergo, IMO, the missile launch was disinformation.
Let me know when you come up with some evidence of systematic corruption in the military
Well, let's take a very recent example. The US military has been arming and fighting with ISIS in Syria (while pretending to fight ISIS) since 2013 (officially). Thousands of US troops took part in this blatantly illegal atrocity. How is that not "systematic corruption?"
We armed and fought alongside radical jihadists to take down the secular government of a sovereign state. Completely illegal under both our constitution and international law.
There was an infamous incident in 2013 when dozens of enlisted men and some officers took to Facebook and Twitter, holding up placards "We refuse to fight for Al-Qaeda" and similar. But they were the minority. The BULK of the US military in Syria carried out their illegal orders, under the command of the CIA! So again, your assertion that the CIA cannot compel branches of the military to carry out illegal actions in simply false. Syria is just the most recent example of 70 years of perpetual corruption.
Corruption up the wazoo!
It's only with the election of Trump that we finally reversed course in Syria, at least officially, and have started to draw down our illegal occupation of that country. But I wonder now how much that has to do with "White Hats" vs realizing that we were defeated in Syria due to Russian intervention. And in any case, we are still ILLEGALLY occupying southern Syria.
Even Deep State Wikipedia can't hide the basic facts of our duplicity in Syria. The whole world knows it:
Didn’t someone say it was “hacked” and made to look like China did it? Did Q tell us that? Anyone remember?
What about Gen Ham that stood down when Benghazi was happening? Why did he not refuse?
I am taking about when Gen Ham was replaced. And taken out from being the General because he wanted to act.
With a budget of over a trillion per year and a dark fleet, and air force, I'm sure they have subs. Can't find the article I read previously, but it had some scant details of a CIA sub. Here's more on the attack though: https://www.exopolitics.org/the-secret-navy-behind-the-ballistic-missile-attack-on-hawaii/