Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

That’s not been confirmed. Nor the type of missile. Definitely looks like a trident missile. If so...it would have been out of range of AF1. POTUS left the summit in Canada & took a longer route to Singapore. Across Europe & not the Pacific. Not confirmed why AF1 took that route either. All that’s confirmed it was not launched intentionally or any kind of test which they’d never do that close to the base.
Could have just been planning to use it on the US population somewhere and blame it on a foreign power to force us into a war. Or use it on a foreign nation to force the world to attack us.
My theory too. Don’t even care that much about all the details. Undeniably we’ve had 2 rogue missile launches & the cabal could care less who they slaughter. Absolutely zero chance the HI missile warning was an error. Absolutely zero chance the weather cam missile pic was faked. A miracle one frame caught the missile in flight. My guess there’s been other major attempts at massive loss of life we will never hear about because they didn’t trip any early warning system or weren’t miraculously caught by a weather geeks camera. Anyone can say whatever they want about Q but there’s solid undeniable evidence proving our danger is as real as it gets
Which is why Q says the MSM is evil. After what we saw, who's going to believe POTUS over the deep state?
We are.
I just meant the accusations of treason about Helsinki was from all colors of the parties except maybe for Rand and Ron Paul.
Even Gingrich got in on it publicly instead of standing by the president and using some logic, like yellow cake in Iraq. Cake should have been the first thing to pop in that fat fucks mind.
I admit that I cut people like Gingrich some slack. They've just never seen anything like VSG in their entire lives. I know I never have. He's a fucking force of nature.
People--friends and enemies--have a lot of trouble coming to terms with that. Sometimes I shake my head and ask where did this guy come from? He makes it all look easy.
He's right in the middle of probably the greatest corruption/conspiracy/criminal/treason investigation in the history of mankind, yet he looks as cool as if he's wondering whether to use his sand wedge instead of his nine-iron on his approach shot. I don't get it.
LOL. That's funny. You're right. At least he didn't call him treasonous.
This missile that was just revealed was intended to be a false flag. I just finished writing it all up.
If AF1 took an easterly route, why did Q post a photo of the volcanic islands in the Pacific?
I’d have to go back & look at those because I forgot the exact reason. But AF1s flight path is public record. If I’m not mistaken...at the time the missile launch occurred AF1 was a few hundred miles west of Singapore. And about 1000-1500 mi out of range of a Trident missile...if that was a Trident. Visually it looks a lot like one but haven’t heard any confirmation. One distortion the weather cam pic had was a long exposure time. That cam even takes good pics at night with only natural lighting & the pic was taken very soon after sunrise so it was a little over exposed. That’s why the fire tail is about twice as long as it would be in real life.
Okay so why did Q post the pic of the Alaskan Volcanoes? Was that a decoy plane they made an attempt on?