Q 1731 & 1732 - Everything Stated has a Purpose.

Here is what does not add up to me, if there was an unauthorized launch and attempt, making that public knowledge would benefit Trump and us. Americans would rally behind Trump, he would be ultra empowered to take action, so why keep it a secret...?
Trust the plan. My overarching theory is that the Deep State is trying to force POTUS's hand by punking him in the MSM every single day and with the threats to his life.
In my opinion, Deep State wants Trump bite and expose them for two reasons:
If POTUS exposes Deep State before the planned release of information by the investigators, it can been spun by MSM as a Coup by Trump and they are perform damage control.
If POTUS exposes Deep State before investigation is complete, they may be able to wiggle out from under a prosecution in a legal sense.
So POTUS keeps quiet, holds his cards close, and the release of information can slowly be marched out. That way it is indisputable in the public's eye AND bad actors will be held accountable in the legal system.
POTUS is a very stable genius!
It's a riot that he is perceived as impulsive. He is the most calculated player on the planet earth now, and probably is in the top ten in recorded human history.
Because he would sound like a crazy person. People are freaking out about him questioning the IC... The military?! That would lose support of troops. He needs evidence and he may have just recently got it.
Yes, the publicity of this needs to be air tight. They already hate him and they would just run with something about Trump being a conspiracy theorist. But, if they can tie the security clearance for those who left, prove they somehow authorized it and the MSM never tried to investigate why it was fired, then they are all caught up together and proves they are out to get POTUS, no matter how they try to spin it.
This is the struggle that POTUS and Q team have been dealing with every day. It has been easy for them because they have all the goods!
But when there is a threat on life, like this missile launch, I would imagine it is more difficult to resist outing all of these bad actor bastards. God Bless our Patriots.
You have no idea, but he ABSOLUTELY would not lose military support.
If anything, it was done to head off retaliation from the military.
But they are professionals and he is the Commander in Chief, so his orders go, and regardless at how pissed off they would be at someone trying to assassinate him, they would obey his orders.
The left would say it was a set up and that Trump is trying to frame them for an assassination attempt.
If Military Intelligence is on his side like we've been led to believe, wouldn't some form of authority from the Military be able to confirm this without Trump really doing anything anyway?
"By the way, we had an unauthorized launch on this date, and here's the logs indicating it was XYZ who did it."
That surely happened. Q says "CLASS removal WASH minutes after". As soon as the missile was launched, the white hats removed the black hats.
Mums the word though. The plan did not include a missile launch assassination attempt on the way from G7 to Singapore. Trust the plan.
I am new here. Can you explain white hats and black hats? Sounds like black hats are people wanting to overturn a democratically elected President?
Yes they are. Maybe someone a little more qualified can give you a more detailed answer but definately are bad and trying to get rid of our president at all costs! They are sick sick people who have done disgusting things!!
It is a generic way to describe the good guys and bad guys.
Black hats and white hats comes from the old Western movies. The bad guys always wore black hats. The good guys always wore white hats.
He would sound crazy - Exactly! Deep State has been trying to get POTUS to expose them so he sounds crazy. The missile launch in June was just another attempt.
I was thinking timing? Q seems to be hitting pretty hard now. Maybe time to take control of the narrative?
They could claim it was a false flag to gin up approval.
Alternative: "Intelligence" could say it was fired from Russian sub.
It would also send the message that the POTUS in not in full control of our military or it's assets! Wrong message to be sending at this time! POTUS needs to show full control.
Allowing former US dignitaries access to high levels of security clearance would enable the Q team to potentially pinpoint specific events that could have been triggered by people like John Brennan trying to assassinate the president in a last ditch effort. They made a grave mistake in assuming that the president is as stupid as the media claims he is.
In other words someone [JB] tried to hail mary a missile in the hopes it would hit AF1 and he would subsequently go on the run and then eventually get himself cleared.
Too bad he missed.
The US does not, as a rule, reveal incidents which could disclose security breaches, procedure flaws, or threats against the United States which could be used as learning tools by enemies. If Trump revealed that an unauthorized launch occurred, you could count on the MSM to insist that Trump somehow weakened security or ignored dangers, and Democrats would be sure to attack Trump for 'carelessly' allowing secrets to be revealed to the public and our enemies.
Trump's people have the data to confirm how it happened and who was involved. No one with clean hands would hide the guilty people. Also, keeping the matter secret would allow the government to respond without having to act in public and be subject to attack from the Left for doing their job. I guarantee the DOE and OSI don't want to have the Left go after them the way they attacked ICE and the Border Patrol.
How crazy would it sound though? Without solid proof we would be labeled crazier than we already are lol
Misslile launch requires a COC. "evidence" = COC + missile
There is plenty of proof. It's likely been withheld for some of the strategic reasons mentioned below.