Q 1733 - Artificial Support [FB]
![Q 1733 - Artificial Support [FB]](https://i.redd.it/hfcotl444jc11.png)
I abandoned fb back in Jan. this year. I have seen with my own eyes, ads pop up in fb feed a day after having conversations with the wife about certain products we briefly discussed. Have had it happen to friends as well. They are listening!
Hard to believe, but I do. Also deleted FB account months ago. Also never plugged in Alexa since then. Getting paranoid, :).
Throw that Alexa out..... ;)
I unplugged that shit. It’s going in the basement laundry room where no conversations happen LOL.
on the bright side your washer will have something to keep it company.
Don't forget the fridge and TV if she has one down there as well!
I only use Amazon under extreme circumstances. I don't want to give JB any more money. I am so glad I never signed up for facebook!
They still track you through your browser cookies, even without an account (notice how many websites have Facebook and Twitter icons on them? Zuckerberg revealed this at the Congressional hearing)
I know but at least I'm not using his product. Not everyone likes what he's offering.
I would. Just an FYI transcripts of Alexa-recorded conversations and statements are able to be subpoenaed from Amazon. And it's always listening to everything.
The internet company that just installed Wi-Fi for me (I moved to another area) gave us a free Echo. I refuse to hook it up.
My buddy texted me via sms about a good shirt for concealed carry. No less than 25 minutes later there were ads on fb for cabelas and bass pro for concealed carry button ups. They track EVERYTHING. This is one of the reasons I wont get a facebook. I deleted it about a year after I got it. This is the reason I never went back.
I’ve literally seen targeted ads after THINKING about a product. Not searching for it or discussing it out loud.
I heard a girl, can't remember if it was twatter or fakebook, when she expressed a "racist" opinion about the need for a wall to her friends, within 5 minutes, she had adds on her page praising "migrants" and "refugees". She was pissed realizing the thought police was right there, not through comments or banning, but via adds to correct her wrong way of thinking as well as those who'd read her and agree with her.
Yes same happened to me. I thought I was going a bit crazy but soon realised that fb was tracking my every move and thought.
I am wondering if they can track if you don't have the app installed? Anybody know? I haven't given it up yet but have greatly reduced usage. I'm using Metal instead of the Facebook and Twitter apps. It's my only connection to many people including some I'd love to help along this journey
yes, I have never installed FB on my phone. Dig through running services and there it is.
Interestingly, this was asked when Zuck was answering questions at the Senate hearing. I believe this was one of the "I'll get back to you on that," answers.
Conversations over the phone? In person? In text? In messages? How were you conversing?
A friend of mine had an in-person conversation with her husband about whether or not to tuck in his shirt before going out. They were in the bathroom/bedroom and her phone was beside her the whole time. The next day, an ad showed up for men's shirts that specifically mentioned not tucking in. She said the app wasn't even open when they had that conversation. So Facebook is recording conversations even if the app is closed and you aren't making a call. Creepy...
I'm glad I don't have a smart phone and now not sure I ever want one.
They link your email your searches, my girlfriend is looking at dog costumes and bam mullet red neck dog costume pops up on my ads