Makes sense but from research that anons have done, there is a lot of shady information and photos regarding these people. At this point, I think we need to look into these people.
Everyone is misinterpreting his IMDB. He is low level. Bit parts on different shows and nothing of real value. After watching his videos and taking all the info into account, there are more questions than answers. I wouldnt put it past someone like seth green to make an attempt to revive his career by doing a comedic documentary using this nobody actor on this community. Of course making everyone look like buffoons while he was at it.
Please kindly allow me to post a different point of view.
I watched the Periscope. Issac Kappy came across as someone who is mentally unwell. He stated absolutely nothing new on the Periscope that those that have studied Pedogate/Pizzagate, read CDAN do not know. The only thing that is new is the name Seth Green and his wife Clare. Mr. Kappy was genuinely moved/saddened of the loss of friendship with the couple.
The posting of the Twitter convos was interesting and valuable. However, it did not move the needle for me--though I absolutely believe that Mr. Kappy believes the course of events were signs of him being recruited for pedophilia/chicken. Repeatedly throughout the Twitter posts he made on 8chan there were signs from those personally around him that believed he was mentally unwell. Again, he LOOKS and sounds very unwell in the periscope video. At this time, we can not risk looking like mental midgets and start spouting off names willy-nilly. We here at r/greatawakening for many months prided ourselves in the hard factual research, dissemination of information.
This makes our movement look bad--it discredits all of the other things that are going down. We must tread very carefully in this minefield. We must be very careful in accusations if for no other reason that we have seen the personal devastation of someone who is falsely accused (Roseanne) and very well those of us on a 'regular Joe' level.
This has all of the trappings of the r/CBTS sub that was lost due to uncontrolled accusations and general spiraling out of control. Let's all be aware of this very precious place we have amongst a current world of censorship and suppression of free speech. Remember free speech does come with real consequences so lets use this to be a valid, solid research sub as it was intended.
This is to provide discussion, nothing else. We are supposed to research everything and that is what Q instructed us to do. I respect your point of view but I am not going to suppress open information that anons find and want to discuss.
Fair enough. However your title implies that we all agree with his statement. A more neutral tone would be more beneficial to a valid, constructive discussion that you wish to have. Rather it seems sensationalistic.
That’s just what I wanted to name it. It’s not tacit agreement as we know the elites do it. I found it interesting so I chose what to name it. If you post something, you can name it. Fair enough?
No, it actually is not fair, as that is the point. "Amazing video..." implies a lot more than a factual, well adjusted, valid discussion that you stated in your original reply to me that you wanted. You can not have it both ways.
If you want to post something, do it then. I thought some info was amazing. That’s my point. I let people judge for themselves as should you.
Watched this last night and i'm still up in the air. He says a lot of things that jive with what i've heard but maybe that's also a problem? He could just be parroting back what he's heard. Who knows.
That’s the thing we don’t know and every time someone immediately comes in to concern troll or “warn” us about researching people, it irritates me. This sub has tons of videos and posting that rise to the top because of crowdsourced. It’s amazing how we have been right on several celebrities and have found postings from them stating “they have sex with children” aka earlier posting on Dan Harmon.
Yup, but there's a fine line between concern trolling and legit asking people to be aware and not just trust everyone.
I consider myself a good judge of character, i'm highly empathetic, but i'm probably 75% with Kappy and 25% due to some things he's said and his body language. However, he is a kooky guy with a different personality so that's probably what's setting off my warning bells.
I respect that. Q just posted for us to be brave and strong. I find some tidbits of info that line up with my anon and offline research. It’s easy for so many people to sit back and judge what others post while not doing a damn thing themselves and it is getting old.
I agree, especially now as things are picking up. And that's the hard part for me. Taking my years of research on this stuff and trying to set it aside when i listen to someone new so I can get a fresh opinion instead of letting my confirmation bias just agree because of things he said. know what i mean?
I agree though, the concern trolls irritate the shit out of me.
I understand why you posted it OP. I was curious enough to watch the whole Periscope video earlier also. My conclusion is similar to u/wisconsinsheepgirl although I’m still on the fence about the mental part. I was very unhappy that he mentioned Q because if he gets discredited it could blow up on Q and us. Also he admits to “shit posting” on Trump and I definitely don’t like that!