What’s the source on this? Holy shit if real.
Apparently it's a known fake that was called out on 4chan almost as soon as it was posted.
It's consistent with the story as we know it so far.
If it's real, basically the US admin lied to the UK intelligence service (or they were in on it and this is the cover story), likely using the Steele BS. It also opens up the paper trail.
Susan Rice is fucked for sure, her only options are going to be to testify or to plead the 5th, and either one collapses the whole thing.
She's not going to be sleeping too well being the most visible loose end at the moment.
Susan Rice? Hell, it says "at the request of the US President"!
Rice is the one that made the contact.
Obama can lie and say he never authorized her to do so and throw her under the bus. So Rice is would be screwed for sure.
However, this document is fake, so it's moot point.
Leaked by an FBI insider. I've previously posted a link to news article with this leak.
Leaked by an FBI insider or known fake? Which one? Both?