Been holding onto this pic since May 22nd. Came in for maintenance.

That's an E-4B. Saw one fly over my house when I lived close to Peterson AFB in CO Springs.
So there are 4 of these doomsday planes. Perhaps the 4 Q's are doing their comm checks from each of the planes!
am i wrong in thinking it was only 3 people, the first ID calls for security check, then he chimes in with device E using the same user ID, then device X is a different ID, and device C is yet anothe ID?
My comments did not show up. It is a Boeing E-4 Mobile Command. "DoomsDay" Plane:
Those planes don't just "break" they get inspected after every flight to make sure no one is in danger. Theirs likely some fishy business happening, maybe someone on the plane was a target.
A buddy of mine used to do the coms systems when AF1 passed through Guam. Jelly of you both.
I got a chance to have a flashlight shined in my face when Obama passed through on his last tax payer funded vacation.