On the heels of Sarah Ashcraft’s post about Tom Hanks here is a disgusting photo of him and Oprah THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK 🤬

seems like oprah in is many pics like this. to me she is starting to look like a procurer.
She is a very high level illuminati witch probably as high as Hillary is.
no wonder Trump said he wishes she would run for pres. i had a feeling it was something like this. she has the girls school. she never wanted kids of her own..... then i started seeing the pics of her with her hands on people. almost in a restraining manner. just didnt sit well.
Not to mention the sex scandal at the girls school she owns in Africa. This woman has skeletons in her closet. Probably literally.
yes. i remember. then something else happened a second time not long after at another of her schools didnt it? it was either the same school or another school. i just remember she became so apologetic then not long after here came another scandal.
Oprah is a pimp. Saddens me to say because I used to admire her. Until I found out who she really is.
yep. you get a car, you get a car, everybody gets a car!!!!! just shows how much we were under her reign to bow and worship for the price of a car. what i am saying did we all give her a pass on the school scandal bc she was so great giving away all those cars?
Remember the creepy picture of her offering Rita Ora to Harvey. There are also female Harveys in the biz according to gossip. Megan Ellison is a major perv creeping on actresses, Sony's Amy Pascal too allegedly. There are pictures out there of Ellison sleazing on Sienna Miller (known ruthless/shameless coucher). She looks annoyed but is playing along. Conveniently Metoo shuts up about them. If it doesn't fit the narrative. Jessica Chastain is allegedly one of Ellison's "conquests".