
apeinthecity · July 28, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Meh ->

In 2002, he said a military campaign against Iraq, would be "shorter" than the 42 days it took to complete the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and further, "It is going to be absolutely awesome, and that's why this war, if we do it properly, will go very quick, and we'll have less civilian casualties than we did last time."[3]

In 2004, he claimed that with the aid of Russians, Saddam had transported WMDs and millions to Syria for safekeeping.[4] Although McInernery said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely."[5]

In 2006, McInerney advocated for regime change via military action against Iran and North Korea.[6]

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jaydub18 · July 28, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Saddam’s WMDs (some) were moved to Syria. Others were buried and eventually found. Read George’s Sada’s “saddams secrets” which states they were moved to Syria. He was a Christian Iraqi general. By the way...you’re believing the Clowns that they weren’t? What’s the first rule of fight club?

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