General Discussion on all topics. All topics are welcome here (no censorship). Please take note of the topic-specific threads listed below and post in them if you have information related. We do delete shitposts and off topic slideposts (or otherwise illegal material) from these threads for housekeeping purposes, so if you have an excellent post to share, please back it up for reposting in the proper space, should this happen to one of your posts.
We seek understanding, knowledge, wisdom and truth. All who seek these things are welcome here.
Topic Threads
>>2620 - The Nexus (BO/BV Board Requests)
>>7386 - The faces of EGO and HUBRIS #2
>>1569 - The faces of EGO and HUBRIS
>>6290 - Netflix and Chill? or Netflix and Diiiig!
>>6515 - Contact
>>360 - Diversions
>>368 - The Great Vatican Dig
>>12109 All things Q Thread #3
>>108 - All Things Q Thread #2
>>807 - Q
>>505 - Q Research Thread
>>792 - Aliens
>>79 - United Nations (UN) and their evil plans
>>5324 - CERN Digs & Research
>>6222 - Base Camp for Seekers
>>3063 - JC, The man the myth the legend!
>>2083 - Supreme Beings
>>1777 - Coincidences #1
>>401 - A New Beginning
General Discussion Threads
>>9337 General Discussion #4
>>5938 General Discussion #3
>>4300 General Discussion #2
>>2137 General Discussion #1
>>144 - History Lessons!
>>146 - The Reading Room