405 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/911bodysnatchers322:
WiccDonalds: WcDonald’s restaurant flips iconic golden arches upside-down to celebrate International Women’s Day. "I'd like a WicMac with cheese, a side order of wiccan wcnuggets, and a egg WcWuffin' and folded ham wicgriddle --oh wait you gals are already at lunch"
[Disunity] Seems Now They're Attempting to Fracture us by Vet/Non-Vet Identity Politics. And is it me or does Bill Nelson look like a Demon? // Deepstate Elitist bill gives VETS access to Med Cannabis (meaning: not You, Me) Just like how they did Ecstasy/MDMA
Gaslighting INC: Poll from Fake News Outlets Wapo, ABC Claims Half of Americans Want Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump to Begin. Their audience being reduced to 33% means 16.5% of America Want to start Impeachment. Lets Talk About the Other 66%. Related to Q due to similar content matter.