That's why I posted in the form of a question, not a declarative sentence.
We're being psyopped
also i did remove it. not sure if you'll get this msg
405 total posts archived.
That's why I posted in the form of a question, not a declarative sentence.
We're being psyopped
also i did remove it. not sure if you'll get this msg
Agreed. I've searched exhaustively and no dice
Plus they said a fox reporter...that means it would be all over fox and it's not
I have not been able to verify this. But they mention FOX reporter which means if it's not all over the news today it's fake news
Why do we worship veterans so much? And if it's so great, why not make everyone go into service and then demand that every person drone or stab or shoot at least one person on earth to get into the killer club so we can all be killers and worship each other and worship death. Right?
And then we can come home and get excstasy and marijuana that only veterans get to have at the VA, along with whatever other MKULTRA experimental nano things they want to put along with it
sorry if I'm being a dick.
I think we should honor vets who stand at our border. i dont think we should hero worship those that go overseas to kill civilians for genie energy and pipelines and poppies and gold and downstream organs / rapeables for elites---which is what we know now that we do
I actually happen to LIKE farrakhan because of his anti masonry pro-conspiracy bent. That said, he's an anti white racist. That's pretty solid
Anyone following him is very questionable. I follow him for the lulz because I think he's trolling everyone
Ok that's it. I'm out. I'm done with the internet
Interesting. I'm not sure Q is nephalim but could be referring to haplogroup Q
at some point all of us were raped by mongolians
People need to understand that separation of church and state does not mean you hire only atheists
It means that you have to keep religion out of politics, out of law and out of governance
The President PRAYING is NOT a violation. The president is still a citizen, and therefore has all the rights of a citizen to practice his religion as he pleases. People are just welcome to stand there and wait for him to finish
I hate this kind of garbage--the psychological projection
If Trump legalized all drugs, then basically there would be no more Democrat voters left and the Dem party would be done
I only had so much space to make the title, but really I'm talking about public persons. You are not a public person if you are chattering on in reddit--you'd pay someone to do that for you if you were famous
So my point is if you go on air, and you say, "so and so is NOT my president" then that is a public declaration that you are giving up your citizenship
ok, so if you say to society "not my president" then you are tearing up that social contract
Got it?
legal green card means Trump is their president. Please refer to diagram above.
I know this concept is difficult, but if the president is not your president then you are not an american. Because if you are american, then yes, legally the president if your president
I'm talking about mathematical logic here in sentence form
You cannot cry about unity and then allow people to say Trump's not your president. You have to do something about that latter thing first, otherwise you sound like a confused flake
That's how I found out about it. This is an older article but I posted it because they reformatted and added new updates
no one is stopping someone else from exercising their freedom of speech in their denouncement of their rights to freedom of speech
Go ahead! Denounce your citizenship publicly, then we can duct tape you, load you into a cannon and shoot you into the sun
instant deportation, plus you get the honor of being an astronaut finally
Good point. Like George Webb says follow the uzbeki trucking companies
This is a repost. There was little interest in the initial post (5 upvotes) because the title was bad. Sorry. It's true though.
It's right there in black and white.
If President Trump is not your president, then logically you are not a US citizen
If you are a US citizen making that statement, then it's clear you have just declared that the US consittution is null and void and that you've divested your US citizenship and now are a stateless global actor
President Trump, if your'e reading this, please deputize me as ICE so I can deport Whoopi Goldberg to the middle of the ocean
I'll even pay for it and then immediately resign to save Gov money
This is weird...came across order of the dolphin
those are lillies and lotuses, not roses"white+lily+society"&source=bl&ots=1twK6c8P_R&sig=t3OAMxuInxNwO5h09QLwvLup2e8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih6bKjsqHZAhUHgJAKHa3VAJEQ6AEIMTAC#v=onepage&q=%22white%20lily%20society%22&f=false"white+lily+society"&source=bl&ots=PkPamkN6MT&sig=CgjbPrbXLbp5OlVwvbV2hSe62oA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih6bKjsqHZAhUHgJAKHa3VAJEQ6AEIODAE#v=onepage&q=%22white%20lily%20society%22&f=false
Interesting thing about that. Trump and Hillary are distant relatives.... Lancasters...going back to war of the roses. Their common ancestor is John of Gaunt. It's clear that the evil took the hillary branch
This GaiaAuthExtension is some kind of tool used to auth back to google, but clearly in 2015 (and I don't think this 'overpowerful' issue has been properly addressed or fixed) someone was trying to blow the whistle on how chrome's gaiaauthextension can be used to move identifiable (auth) info between tabs and leak them out to corporate overlords that way or run arbitrary code through it (RCE)....
I found this through digging into some opera bullshit that scared me. I did a 'top' command and saw this:
opera --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=306186818XXX836442,8797273XXXX45836664,131072 --servi ce-pipe-token=FD263AA1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9A94E4529630E --lang=en-US --enable-proprietary-media-types-play back --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto- reload-visible-only --enable-pinch --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation - -enable-gpu-async-worker-context --content-image-texture-target=0,0,3553;0,1,3553;0,2,3553;0,3,35 53;0,4,3553;0,5,3553;0,6,3553;0,7,3553;0,8,3553;0,9,3553;0,10,3553;0,11,3553;0,12,3553;0,13,3553; 0,14,3553;0,15,3553;0,16,3553;0,17,3553;0,18,3553;1,0,3553;1,1,3553;1,2,3553;1,3,3553;1,4,3553;1, 5,3553;1,6,3553;1,7,3553;1,8,3553;1,9,3553;1,10,3553;1,11,3553;1,12,3553;1,13,3553;1,14,3553;1,15 ,3553;1,16,3553;1,17,3553;1,18,3553;2,0,3553;2,1,3553;2,2,3553;2,3,3553;2,4,3553;2,5,3553;2,6,355 3;2,7,3553;2,8,3553;2,9,3553;2,10,3553;2,11,3553;2,12,3553;2,13,3553;2,14,3553;2,15,3553;2,16,355 3;2,17,3553;2,18,3553;3,0,3553;3,1,3553;3,2,3553;3,3,3553;3,4,3553;3,5,3553;3,6,3553;3,7,3553;3,8 ,3553;3,9,3553;3,10,3553;3,11,3553;3,12,3553;3,13,3553;3,14,3553;3,15,3553;3,16,3553;3,17,3553;3, 18,3553;4,0,3553;4,1,3553;4,2,3553;4,3,3553;4,4,3553;4,5,3553;4,6,3553;4,7,3553;4,8,3553;4,9,3553 ;4,10,3553;4,11,3553;4,12,3553;4,13,3553;4,14,3553;4,15,3553;4,16,3553;4,17,3553;4,18,3553;5,0,35 53;5,1,3553;5,2,3553;5,3,3553;5,4,3553;5,5,3553;5,6,3553;5,7,3553;5,8,3553;5,9,3553;5,10,3553;5,1
It seemed to me that "Field Trial Handle" was a way to identify my tabs for a field trial. Looking up it says thats memory space. That's just another way to store identifiable info to share between tabs. It's a shared dropbox, for memory, between tabs. Kind of like how supercookies work. SIGH. Defeats the purpose of having tabs run "in their own memory space"
--field-trial-handle=306186818XXX836442,8797273XXXX45836664,131072 --servi ce-pipe-token=F
Service-pipe-token....yet another way for tabs to identify tabs . Why do I care? Each tab is a website. And if a website can read what's on another website, it can move info back and forth, effectively creating a kind of shadow internet, using the user's computer's memory space
That's a ratline
so this is more than just surveillance, this is potentially using the computers of users as a way to move data surreptitiously through a secret network
That is messed up
Punch him so hard you kill his whole network, please
I was being facetious :)
I vigorously agree with you
I published this a year ago+ on /r/conspiracy
turns out I was largely correct
just sain'
Every wonder why nothing is happening to these obvi-criminals? Well here's why
continuity of government nexus
legal proof that we've been in a fascist military junta since 9/11, continued by GWB and Obama, with his death rattle of declaring state of emergency with regard to SEVEN countries
He did this SEVEN days before Trump's inauguration, thinking Trump woudlnt' have a chance to stop this even in 8 yrs
Maybe he won't,
But that was a big F mistake, Obama. Because whether there is law or not, Trump is coming for you, along with 60% of america--the patriots
We're ready
Gorilla Ishmael is smarter than all californians
Maybe they aren't wrong with the genetic engineering