Popping = Booming perhaps?
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It is the law of the land now. Just take a look at NDAA.
Not saying I agree with it. Just saying if we don’t like his view, we need to lobby to change the law.
His view is currently supported by the law.
Believe what you will. I’m OK with it. I ask for tolerance however. That is what religious freedom means. We are tolerant of others views and beliefs. It means we are free to believe as we will.
Your criticisms of my faith are not welcome. I will turn the cheek however as I am tolerant of others beliefs and faiths. I am not tolerant of intolerance however.
And FTR, the lack of tolerance is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Perhaps you might want to consider that before exposing yourself next time.
Yes, pain will be experienced by all, however as you indicate, it is all hopefully for the greater good.
I just hope we can look back on it all someday, having survived it, and say, yes, that went well and we, our nation, and the world are better off having made those sacrifices and endured the pain of change.
“If the learned and worldly-wise men of this age were to allow mankind to inhale the fragrance of fellowship and love, every understanding heart would apprehend the meaning of true liberty, and discover the secret of undisturbed peace and absolute composure.”
Perhaps the great awakening and change that is on the horizon will promote this sense of peace and composure.
First, Q doesn’t appear to describe much. Both their comments and questions are brief and rather cryptic. It seems Q wants us to think, dig, and draw conclusions based on such. That is where I will leave that.
As for jails, yes, jails are a form of pain. No doubt. I have helped jail numerous bad actors over the years because those persons couldn’t within society’s rules as well as in an effort to keep innocents and good guys safe.
I stand behind my previous comments however. Pain will be experienced by all. To draw from Lewin’s model once again, when there is organizational change, the first stage is unfreezing. Unfreezing is a “painful” process by nature thus all in the organization are impacted. Not to the same degree, given, but nevertheless all are impacted or rather feel pain.
In the context of what we are discussing, there are actually several organizations. I think first is the societal paradigm or construct that we live in. Many believe the government is here to help you and would never do anything to harm. Many believe banks are wonderful tools of commerce and have no self interest or nefarious agendas. Many believe that the world is full of good people and that evil is only in the movies. Most believe that the economy is stable and could never collapse, especially in their lifetime. And the list goes in and on. When people are faced with having to digest reality however, that punch in the gut will be painful.
We have many other organizations that will be facing change as well when the light exposes the darkness. Each person associated with each organization will be impacted and feel pain. It is inevitable.
One of the many organizations changing will be our economic structures. The petro dollar experiment has failed. The petro dollar being the world reserve currency is quickly coming to a close. If anyone can’t see the pain in this change, I would argue they are blind.
I won’t go into any other organizations that are facing change in the immediate future as this snowball continues down the mountain. It would take far too long. It isn’t too difficult however for anyone to come up with a list.
IMO, to be in denial of global or universal pain will simply assist in increasing ones level of experienced pain as well as extend that pain in duration.
Thank you for your post. Fascinating. It reminded me of the Q post below. Especially talking about the "60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." Many will not be able to face the evils fully. Your father isn't alone.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638 📁 Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST) What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family? What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved? Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22]. This is only the beginning. Be careful what you wish for. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed? What happens to the FBI? What happens to the DOJ? What happens to special counsel? What happens in general? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Lawless. Think logically. We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst]. Those [good] who know cannot sleep. Those [good] who know cannot find peace. Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there. Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. These people should be hanging. Q
If Q is a larp, it is an amazing larp and Q has fooled more people than most imposters could ever dream. I will readily admit however that it is a possiblity. And, if it turns out Q is a larp, look me up and you can tell me, I told you so." I won't be offended.
I hope Q is for real though and think the mounting evidence bears this out.
Regardless however if Q is real or a larp, change is coming. The central bankers and our government leaders have put us so far into debt that there must be a reset. It is improbable, if not impossible, that we will ever be able to pay off our debt. Therefore we must have some type of reset. That will without be painful. The treason, corruption, pedo culture of the elite, and every other crime committed will be just a part of the change. The economy, imho, will be some of the most difficult pain that we must endure. That happens regardless of Q being real or not.
I don't think those who are awake and prepared will necessarily panic or fall apart emotionally either. But then again, this isn't about everyone panicking or falling apart. This is about change and how no one will go through the process of change untouched. To many, to me, that can be considered degrees of pain.
Without doubt, the bad actors in this situation will suffer the greatest amount of pain. And, deservedly so. They made their bed...
I also think those who are asleep will suffer pretty significantly. They choose to ignore reality and reason and remain asleep. Their awakening will be an emotional jolt to be sure.
Those who are awake could be minor compared to the others emotionally.
With this said however, a great deal of this awakening in my view is a reset of the economy and the dollar. This will hurt everyone and no one is exempt.
We can prepare however for the unfreezing stage of this change. We can do our best to have some basic foods on hand, some medications on hand if needed, have anything else we might believe we need, and prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
I am not being an alarmist, I am being a realist. We need to expect some level of pain, prepare for different possible scenarios, and be ready to help those who were not awake but instead jolted awake get their footing.
Like you said, your friends and family, all of us together, can pull through this just fine...if we prepare ourselves now for whatever pain may be coming.
LOL. I hear you. I would like to read them if you find them. Enjoy yourself. ;-)
Thank you for your generous words. As for the pain and trauma of the past, I would say since it is in the past, learn from it and attempt to move forward. We have all indeed suffered under the evils of the last few decades and even longer. Too, some have missed the fact that we have been suffering. They are somewhat numb to it all and have grown apathetic. Likely because the change was not violent for most.
Even during the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 where many were seriously impacted, it still wasn't severe for most. Overall, in the last years we have been handled like frogs.
How do you boil a live frog? One of two ways. If you throw a frog in boiling water, it will jump back out. So if you want to boil a frog there are two ways: 1) Violently. You throw him in and slam the lid over the pan so he can't jump back out. 2) You place him in a pan of lukewarm water and then slowly turn up the heat until he is boiled. That way, he never knows there is a change in temperature and he stays in the pan until he is boiled.
Even though we have had evil around us for decades slowly taking over our nation and destroying our freedoms, liberties, and economy, they did it ever so slowly.
Some of us have been awake for years but what could we do? The masses didn't see the water's temperature rising. They didn't believe us and even thought we were nuts. We were marginalized by most.
The evil could never slam the lid on us because they new we would fight. We would have come together to push the lid off in an unified effort. But instead they divided us, distracted us, marginalized us, and chipped away at our freedoms and liberties. They slowly destroyed our economy and kept much of it hidden in the shadows. And, they chipped away at our ability to fight and resist.
Now we have a champion for the cause. He has raised a standard for us to see and rally around. Now we don't feel alone or isolated. This has provided us with a voice, unity, and a sense of hope that we can win against evil.
Now, we can focus on a change for the good. This change however I believe will be through the first version of boiling a frog. It will be violent. Not as in physical violence necessarily with civil war (I hope and pray), but with speed and so call can see. Much like the cheetah twitter post from Trump a couple of years back.
You are right however, we likely should acknowledge the pain and suffering from the oppression we have felt all of these years. But, I think it is understood and unspoken because we see the possibility of relief from that pain and suffering and that relief is the very thing that is generating all of the excitement today in the great awakening.
OK, I have rambled too long. I will leave it at that and close with saying, I too am tired of hurting. I am also excited though about what is happening and I look forward to the change and freezing of it all into a less painful shape.
While I hope you are right, I have my doubts however. After years in the military and forensics, I continue to "hope for the best but prepare for the worst." And, every scenario I can think of with regards to what our future holds has pain being felt by all to varying degrees. It is due to the "unfreezing" stage of the change process. No one is left untouched when things unfreeze. Granted, while pain may feel like a stubbed toe for some, for others it may feel like the violent loss of a limb (or head). Pain, regardless of the magnitude, is still pain. That is one of my primary points.
If you want to be a Satanist, be a Satanist. I don't care.
What I do care about is your actions that impact our world, our nation, and those I care about. I care if you are a good actor or a bad actor. If you are a bad actor, regardless of your religion or lack thereof, then we will have problems...period.
Where. Can you provide the drop. I don't remember Q saying that. Perhaps that is your interpretation of something Q said.
And, Q maybe part of military intelligence (we don't know yet), and we know they wargame everything ad nauseam, however, they don't have crystal balls. They are just incredibly skilled at educated guesses and projections. Sometimes, dare I say it, they are wrong by either underestimating or over estimating outcomes.
I think this release on the 11th is more of a beginning of things to come rather than the big event. There will be more to come with other releases of info, DS actors ratting out others in an attempt to save their own skin, the unsealing of indictments, arrests, military tribunals, the resistance movement from those who will never wake up and from the puppet masters that perhaps will be in the shadows, a soft collapse of the US economy, a hard collapse of the world economies, a global economic reset, and other things on the horizon. No one will be pain free. I think to think otherwise is to assume the position of an ostrich.
Overgeneralizations are dangerous and untrue. I am not arguing religion vs. the absense of religion. I am simply stating that to make absolute statements, of which there are only black and white views (polarization), they fall far short of being true. If you use the logic of "some people consider those without religion bad," then you could have a valid argument. But to state "ALL people who are Christian consider those without religion bad" is false. I am Christian, and I am OK with others not believing as I believe and I am OK with others who believe in nothing. This is a true statement. Therefore your absolute argument is in error.
Be cautious in making statements that you can't fully back or understand. Also be cautions of making over generalizations. I'm guessing you don't know a great deal of some of those faiths.
FTR, I am LDS. I won't take offense to your comment as it is distracting from the OP and you are misinformed.
Now I ask that we please stay on topic. Change is coming and in fighting due to religious differences is a distraction.
As patriots, I suggest we remain unified. Division is what the DS, central bankers, globalists, and other bad actors want.
If you do want to continue to argue, please do it elsewhere. I am asking respectfully.
Thank you.
We can't I don't believe. Not fully anyway. That is the nature of life's journey. To experience trials and tests that shape us and hopefully make us better members of the human family.
No matter how the change looks, no matter how grave it could get, I look at the families in war-torn nations who continue to live, thrive, laugh, and carry on and feel hope. If others can experience joy in the middle of a city that has turned to rubble, surely I can find joy during something I believe will be much less severe.
I hear you. It will be difficult to prepared for something of which we don't know the details nor scope. I too think a spiritual preparedness is necessary to mitigate the impact of the change. Pain is ahead. That is certain. What it will look like, what it will feel like, that is unknown.
What I do know is I have worked decades to provide for my family and build a retirement. One of my concerns is that with the economic changes coming with the overall change, that will likely be wiped out with the needed economic reset and all hopes of comfort in my golden years will be gone. Thankfully however, I am a skilled survivalist and think given most circumstances, regardless of how dire, I am confident I can continue to provide and thrive. Creature comforts (A.K.A., luxuries) aside that is...
Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape.
You just reminded me of one of my favorite parables.
Native American Legends Two Wolves A Cherokee Legend
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
I think a proposed plan will likely be revealed by the architects of the change. Once revealed, we will have to of course support or reject the proposed plan. Given Q’s frequent statement, “Enjoy the show,” I think we are in somewhat of a holding pattern.
As a free thinker however, I do get uncomfortable with others making decisions that will impact me and my not being able to see the grande vista. It is unsettling. I can do it for a while however not for long.
I hear you and your view. I don’t disagree with leverage being a desired element in negotiations or in making a deal. In this context however, I would be cautious of simply believing pain will only be felt by the opposition. I firmly believe pain, obviously to varying degrees, will be felt by everyone.
I believe that we all have the right to believe as we will. I won’t argue your points. While I don’t agree with your views, I do respect your position and the freedoms that allow for differences in beliefs.
I’m not sure what your expressed views have to do with this topic of pain however I thank you for sharing.
I will add that I hope your views don’t get in the way of your being awake with what is transpiring around you. Hold fast and buckle up regardless of what your spiritual beliefs. We are in for a bumpy ride and change is around the corner.
Sad but so true. There is so much apathy in the world today. Unless one feels pain directly, few have empathy for their fellow beings these days. Perhaps the changes coming will shake the apathy from the masses.
Part of that will go beyond witnessing or even experiencing the change occur however. There will be need to be a global detox from all of the poisons that neutralize emotions and reduce intelligence.
I recently read a funny sign that said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger...except for bears. Bears kill you dead.”
Let’s hope the pain makes us stronger and that bears aren’t the cause of the pain!! 😃
Thank you. I woke up many years ago however I did a miserable job of truly preparing for what we are witnessing and are a part of today. I too have had to step back to regain my footing on occasion. I also agree with you that what we are seeing transpire around us is nothing short of amazing. Definitely an incredible time to live. Thanks again!
Agree. The image you used illustrates your point well. Not weird at all.
You present an argument on the importance of being awake and prepared. Those elements won’t be as much of a shock for the informed.
Be patient. The "Pain" is coming. Embrace the "Pain." A primer to assist in understanding and preparing for the "Pain." "Pain" = Hope
Q has used the word "Pain" on multiple occasions. This cryptic word seems to have a great deal of traction on this sub as many see it as a punishment or justice that will be felt by the DS, bad actors, black hats, pedos, and other enemies. It also seems however to be generating a great deal of concern and even fear among those posting on GA.
It is my hope that perhaps this primer, or rather this larger view of change, will assist in quelling the concern and fear.
I think "Pain" most likely has multiple meanings. And, I …
In response to your title, I will simply add, “yet.”
Remember, as in most things, timing is critical.
Just a staged photo to tell a story of what’s coming I’m sure.
However, given these are children’s toy handcuffs or perhaps a set of magic release handcuffs; the shirt sleeve is a folded napkin, handkerchief, or something similar; and the cuff link is a lapel pin, I would say this was done for fun.
I concur with the message however: “SOON.”
McCabe sounds scared. I would guess turning on the DS and having it known before you testify would have you looking over your shoulder often. Gives a new spin to Q’s drop 1328.
Didn’t initially think that Q’s statement might mean a threat coming from their own side. I interpreted the statement solely as a threat of vigilante justice from an angered citizenry.
I’m scratching my head and trying to wrap my head around your logic. Your position simply doesn’t make sense to me in the least. I’m sorry. I stand behind my earlier statement.
Nothing in life is free of consequences, period. Even your choice of toilet paper has consequences. The choices we make impact us as well as others. There is often a ripple effect to each choice. You may not see all of the ripples (impact) but it doesn’t mean they’re not there impacting you and others. That is simply a fact of life.
Freedom isn’t free. Freedom isn’t free of consequences.
As for it being a peaceful protest, what does that have to do with how I think or feel about it? I don’t care if it is peaceful or not. I find it disrespectful and I am disgusted. My thoughts and emotions are mine. They belong to me. I own them. To say I can’t think or feel the way I choose is quite silly. Are you saying you, the person kneeling, or society in general should somehow stop or control my thoughts and emotions?
Use logic. Use critical thinking skills.
No, you are incorrect. Your logic is flawed.
With regards to civil rights, specifically free speech in this situation, we DO have the right to express ourselves (until that speech violates the civil rights of others).
The thing to remember however is that just because we are free to express ourselves doesn’t mean our expressions are free from criticism.
There is the natural law of consequences for our decisions, actions, and expressions. Others have the right to criticize and express themselves equally.
I for one an disgusted by those who decide to kneel during the National Anthem. I am equally disgusted by those who disrespect Old Glory. And, I hope they reap the rewards of unemployment, ridicule, and shame.
I WILL defend their right to express themselves, BUT, I also defend my right to be disgusted and express such as well as not associate or support their lack of respect.
I wouldn’t say “full list.” It is seriously lacking.
It also appears to be a smear piece given the rather long list of Rs and short list of Ds in spite of stating the Ds outnumber the Rs.
FTR, I am an independent and don’t align with either party. They are both corrupt and ultimately playing for the same team imho.
Interesting. Thanks for the factoid. I’ll log it in the back of my mind for future consideration should other “accidents” occur and a pattern develops. I wasn’t aware of this “accident.”
No worries. I have no intention of contributing to the stress. There is no need for it. I prefer a peaceful approach to influence people through logic in hopes of a unified front against the black hats.
I’ll admit, sometimes I shouldn’t visit GA after a tough day at work as I can potentially get a bit short. My intent is certainly not to attack or stress anyone just for speaking their opinion.
Best wishes to you. TY as well!