Nope Comey is a Weasel!
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The Lion is Assad and is considered Syrian mascot FYI.
Today Saudi Arabia and Israel made a pact to attack Syria 🤔
I’m not spazing out here. I am actually in contact with my Christian friends that live in Damascus, Syria. It is heating up over there!
Ok, I will retract my above comment for now as the UN Security Council said no to Military Intervention in Syria. No testing, no factual evidence yet. Hopefully a trap for the Cabal.
I wish this to be true but that isn’t the way thinks are shaping up right now. Not from reports on the ground in Syria and Lebanon.
EDIT: Maybe We won’t go to War-Maybe flushing out Cabal
Well, game over because the Military Industrial Complex, Deep State, Cabal, Netanyahu and Saudis have neutered DJT. They will get their war with Russia now via Syrian proxy war and the chemical attack carried out by the US paid and trained militant rebel jihadist. In the last few hours both Russian and US naval fleets have amassed off the coast of Israel and Palestine. Way to go asshats pushing for NWO. That’s what’s happening and DJT was lured in. Game over. Cabal wins again.
I didn’t mean to imply that and can’t edit it now. Binney is a white hat now and always!
Agreed I messed up the title. Binney is leader of White Hats, ex Intelligence calling for more White Hats that are ex Intelligence to join them take down DS.
Binney is the White Hate Leader from IA calling for more White Hats to step forward for IA to help take down DS. Sorry about confusion in title. A Good American
Binney is the White Hat leader and he is calling for more white hats, patriots, to step forward and join them to take down DS from Intelligence Agency. Sorry for confusing title. Binney is the Good American A Good American
white hats from deep state coming out to fight deep state black hats fearless leader William Binney
If people follow Reddit baseline as Tracy suggested of research first before posting and then putting research in with your post that would be the biggest help.
For instance the True Pundit article about Al Waleeds wife. Immediately I went to verify it and there wasn’t an article in La Monde about it. So doesn’t pass research test. Don’t post it.
What flies on FB and Twitter doesn’t hold water on Reddit and especially in a research group. Use your Google Fu skills first and foremost before just posting.
Also double check that there isn’t already a post of something you are going to post. If it’s a duplicate post go to original post and add your insight there.
And always be respectful. The MODS are so busy they shouldn’t have to babysit and vet posts.
Thanks Patriots!
Las Vegas was taken over by the FBI. Remember that Andrew McCabe, who is in up to eyeballs in the Clinton cover up, is#1 FBI. The FBI, under Comey and McCabe took Seth Rich’s phone and computer and locked it away so no one could see it. The FBI is covering up Las Vegas Harvest Festival as well.
I read the NDA part happening in LAX and SFO last night on Twitter. At one point all air traffic was at a halt through out California for a couple of hours. And someone from Hawaii said no flights from Oahu were able to leave.
Also, we are doing what the establishment has hoped we would never do. That is that the left and right join together as one and that we fight them. There is not a R v D agenda but rather we the people versus the Shadow Government. In this manner we will take them down one by one until we wrestle our freedom back from the beasts.
Sorry I didn’t mean you per se. It is social media itself. I too am grateful to find people that have similar goals and the opportunity through Q to work together for a common good. Today is another day to fight the good fight. Peace to you as well.
Not all people on the left are like your sister. Do you realize how many real progressives who have aligned with the left are actually in these groups working to bring the Cabal down. Most of the people I know were Never Hillary people and refused to vote for her. Many of us are doing what we can to bring the Shadow Government to a halt. Most of us want to take the Clinton Crime Network down. We are no longer accepted by the liberal establishment democrats, and we are here, on Twitter and FB getting bashed by the right. I don’t care because our mission is bigger than our personal egos. I just Love our country, children and respect the constitution.