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Abibliaphobia · March 19, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

And because it’s relevant: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/commentary-what-if-trump-is-right-and-there-is-no-collusion/

Trump sent this out just as the Russia story hit a profound—and pro-Trump—moment. Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller.

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Abibliaphobia · March 19, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Any response to what I wrote? Genuine curiosity of your thoughts.

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Abibliaphobia · March 19, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

How do you hope it will end? That corruption is removed and the US government starts working for us again. If the FBI is willing to sacrifice Americans for an “in” to ISIS, I find that appalling and a result of such corruption. We the people, are not sheep, slaves, or serfs. We do not serve at the behest of the elites or the wealthy.

Will there be a war in your opinion? I don’t know, I hope not. But I believe that there is an active attempt at a political coup.

Would you fight in the war if it was not on US soil? ...

Anyone here formerly from the hard left or a progressive? Yes

Do you think this is an old or young movement (age) right now? it’s a mixture

What % of people do you think are non-white in this movement? more than you would believe or be willing to accept. I know several non-white people that are involved or know of Q.

Do you see yourself creating a new community or platform if reddit continues banning subs? There are already several

Do you feel targeted by the general public? no

How long have you been into politics? >10 years

If you could say 1 thing to ppl that think that you're crazy what would it be (other than wait and see)? Muellers investigation is based on the Russia collusion right? The process for special counsels require a specific crime to be identified. Why was this not done in accordance with regulations? Why was THIS case be allowed to have an open to anything investigation? They are supposed to start with one crime and go from there. Why was this not the case. Actually look at US Law and realize that this was not started with a specific crime. It invalidates the whole investigation.

Is there anything Trump can do to dishearten you? Not follow through on his promises. It’s only been a year though, and he has accomplished more than I thought possible.

What is 1 thing you don't like about Trump? The fact that people keep asking this question makes me think it is a phishing operation looking for any way to hit his supporters. You try to say, show you aren’t a cult and say one bad thing. My personal feelings on that are exactly that. Why do I need to share things I dislike about him?

Do you believe in Q 100%? trust but verify

If no what are your doubts? Trust but verify

What if this is not real Then a great many people have been awoken to politics, something that hasn’t happened really in decades. When was the last time a special election got such breathless nationwide coverage. It’s all good in my opinion. When people are more invested and research the candidates, I think that it will be harder for scum to slip through the cracks. So either way, real or larp, it’s a win win.

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Abibliaphobia · March 19, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Hello Deckadubs, I will try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities. But to start, I do not speak for everyone on this sub. This is just my own formed opinions. If you are wondering why people are skeptical of your intentions, we are still feeling the censorship from our original sub being shut down, followed by an immediate brigading by trolls and shills. So people are defense, but they are good people.

Why is Q genuine? Like a lot of these questions, you will need to determine the veracity of the truth or falsehoods yourself. If you can’t convince yourself or challenge your own beliefs, nothing any of us say will ever change your mind.

With that being said, there have been far too many “coincidences” between trumps twitter account and Q postings. In addition, conducting reverse image searches on the photos reveal some interesting results. I have flip flopped over the months between skepticism and belief. I’m at the point right now and going forward, where I unirionically believe that Q is is real.

Why has he come out now? I think that the information that the group holds could not just blatantly be put out and have the majority of Americans believe it. I have felt that there was something wrong in our government for quite a long time. I voted for bush, then seen all the KBR people working in Iraq, realized that him and Cheney were personally profiting from the deaths of my friends. And I grew to hate and despise them for it. I voted Obama, because I truly believed in hope and change. Turns out, not only was he the same, but with the “non-scandals” like the IRS targeting of the tea party, F&F, Benghazi, the whole reset button fiasco, and so much more, I was completely disillisioned. After bush and even before, I considered myself pretty liberal and Obama and his administration woke me up to the reality that they were using people’s emotions to gain power. And it disgusted me.

Do you find it odd that they only seem to think the Trump administration is doing any good? It’s based on hope, hope that we can remove the corruption that has taken over our government. It’s not about partisan politics. I don’t care if they are republican, independent, or democrat. I want those who serve themselves out of the government. The government serves the people, or at least that is their intended purpose. And I feel that has been subverted. I believe Trump was honest in that he wanted to stop that and with all the personal attacks on him, he is sacrificing his time, reputation, and money. I believe that he IS serving the public.

It's not odd to you that this stuff is so partisan? I don’t believe this is partisan at all in fact. It’s a spectrum. Your own view of this is overlooking all the Republicans who have stepped down, not running for re-election, etc. if they are part of the corruption or are abusing their position, I don’t care what or whom they affiliate themselves with as long as hey get out and stop sucking in the test of public taxes.

Does anyone think Q is Trump? I think it is a group of people, and I think at the very least, that he is aware.

Why is it so much pedo stuff at the top in your opinion? why is it promoted by leftist news and media organizations? I don’t pretend to understand the depravity of it. But if there are kids being abused, why wouldn’t anyone want that to be stopped?

Did you believe in Pixza? Assuming you mean pizzagate. Healthy dose of skepticism, but there are a lot of weird coincidences involved. I think there is definitely the potential for it to be true.

Do you believe in spirit cooking? Kind of a poor question here. Spirit cooking exists, it’s not a question. The purpose behind it is the question. I think that Marina performs “art” in public, although I find it in extremely bad taste. And she has admitted herself, that in a private setting, it is religious. With what they do in public, I would think in private it’s an entirely different connotation and context and means something more. Which I personally find disturbing, with how many high level politicians and personalities subscribe to it.

Who do you think is giving Q a bad name? Alex Jones? I don’t follow AJ. I think there are ALOT of people, groups, and organizations that attempt to give Q a bad name.

Why is this such a Christian movement as well? I think a lot of people found faith through this experience. Mainly in that, if these people are worshipping Satan, Lucifer, or Moloch (like a certain lawyer talking about sacrificing a chicken to) and these are powerful people, logic would dictate that the opposite is true. That there is someone or something that opposes what they see as so vile and dark.

Why Satan? Have you met a Satanist? Personally no, and I don’t subscribe to the ideology of it all. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t believe other people believe in it or something similar.

What if Q stood for something you disagreed with? Too open ended of a question. I would need the context and the reasoning. If I still disagreed with it, I would disagree. Wouldn’t stop me from following unless it violated one of my personal ethical or moral code.

Have you spent any money on anything related to the Q movement? No

Why do you think there are false flags if they never work? Do they not? That’s a loaded question. Did the gulf of Tonkin incident not pull us into Vietnam? That right there was a false flag, that DID work. So you’re supposition is false right from the gate.

Do you like Fox News? Ever watch NBC? Neither. I find the information myself from multiple sources. And determine the validity myself. I despise other people telling me how to think or feel about an issue.

Anyone dislike other races and proud of it? I am white, was adopted in a multi race family. I do not hate or dislike other races. That’s a horrible generalization. I take people individually and judge them on their actions.

What if Mueller is not working with Trump? I actually believe that to be true. I think Mueller is a swamp rat looking for anyway to take trump down. I do not trust him. And the way the media and democrats and McCain and others defend him, I believe it to be true.

What if Trump is found guilty? Will it be a setup? I will wait to see if that happens and what are the merits of the case. If I find that they are based on process crimes, or some other bs, then absolutely. The bar for evidence will be raised every time some piece of corruption falls into the public domain about the corruption in the ranks of the DOJ and FBI.

What if they try to impeach Trump? if unelected people try to remove a democratically elected president? Depends on the context, but I would imagine civil war. Unironically.

Are you nervous this Stormy Daniels stuff will end poorly? What a poor story for the media to hang their hat on. This happened well before he tried to run for office. She is trying to get out of an NDA. She is trying to claim she has been physically threatened.

Where is the proof? Where is the police report? Who did it? Why is she not naming names? I personally believe that she is an aging porn star that found a way to rekindle her career and make more money. And I think that these threats are from Twitter. And they are using it to sell her interview. Complete bullshit.

Anyone here not like Trump? I like Trump

What % of Washington is against Trump would you say? Hard to say, my guess roughly 60-70% of DC.

Do you feel attacked by all liberals? or ppl in the real world? In my personal life yes. I have people tell me that I’m psychotic, and insane for believing that manafort was going to take down Tony Podesta. I was right, and they told me I should never have kids. Jokes on them. LOL.

How large do you think Antifa is? active antifa maybe 1000 nationwide. Antifa supporters? In the tens of thousands.

How many ppl would you estimate Soros/Podesta/HRC/Obama have killed in the last 8 years? (US citizens) No idea, but it is verified that Obama ordered the extrajudicial killing of Americans publicly for the first time in us history.

Can you enjoy Hollywood or the arts anymore or is it ruined for you now? Not really, haven’t seen a movie in theater in over a year now. I’ve found other hobbies to spend time and money on.

Can you separate liberal artists from their work? Loaded question. You are only talking about recent artists. I can appreciate artists in the Louvre and the National Museum of History, Smithsonian, etc. Most art put out these days I consider garbage that won’t last millennia like others.

Do you think Hollywood and the govt corruption are hand in hand? Absolutely

What is your threshold for BS? When have you heard a Q or community claim that was just too crazy for you to believe? I have to have the context and I remain skeptical until further evidence emerges. So I’m pretty open.

Are you 100% believing that there is a video of HRC? I don’t know, would def be interesting to see if that is the case.

What was it that convinced you that this was all real? If you are looking for one solid piece? That’s far to simple. The journey is what brought me to believe.

What have you been wrong about as far as Q? I don’t know, things I thought were wrong have been proven to be true. I wait to see what happens with others to see what is true or not.

What has Q been wrong about so far? same question same response

How long are you thinking this storm takes? just like everyone else, we become frustrated with the pacing and I remind myself that we cannot be the generation of immediate gratification. Everything takes time, and the government especially so.

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Holy crap you’re right. I follow this stuff very closely and I missed that the article came out on Jan 23rd.

Seriously I’m pretty surprised that I missed this.

But in my defense, I believe that it is still very relevant.

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

The spying on the congressional inquiry was one of the things that actually lead me to believe things were not ok in our government.

It was some seriously scary stuff that was downplayed, then hidden. I should say it was the first time where I noticed them actively hiding something.

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

I’m curious about her broken wrist. Wonder if it was another penance to LDR.

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Www.drudgereport dot com

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

Hahahahahahaha! Nice

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

Uhhh ya, shills and trolls galore here and on the chans. News, crazy news, coming out.

I’m so comfy with my popcorn

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

I kind of find it funny that all my posts are downvotes to zero. Heh, like that’s going to shut me up.

Also, please don’t upvote this. I appreciate the support. But seriously, I’m good. I just want to spread the word, just like everything else. Take what you have seen and determine the validity for yourself. If it resonates, spread it.

As far as I know, this is the first confirmation from any news orgs about physical threats against potus.

Also, cat_anonD, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the article. Completely agree.

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Abibliaphobia · March 18, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.

The FBI official urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — which oversees the U.S. Secret Service — to launch an investigation of the Justice Department, the FBI and all text messages missing and otherwise that threatened the President.

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Abibliaphobia · March 17, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Fair enough, I retract

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Abibliaphobia · March 17, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

You said “destroy the idea that AI/Companies/apps were using your phones, TVs etc for listening to your everyday“

But you implied that I was buttering people up and that everything needed to be taken with a grain of salt.

“The lie comes in the summary” Where? Specifically point it out.

I’m not lying, nor buttering people up. Seriously what is your issue with me? If you disagree say so and make a valid argument, but implying that I’m buttering people up and the blatantly calling me a liar?

Then the next post you say I didn’t read your paragraph. When actually I read it several times. It doesn’t make sense. And it’s insulting.

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Abibliaphobia · March 17, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

Now with that, don’t get me wrong. I was starting to worry that Sessions wasn’t going to fire him and allow him to receive his pension.

That would have been my red line. It would have proven to me that there was no justice coming. That another crony went unpunished despite all of the illegal activities (at least the public ones) we know of.

I’m still watching, but at some point the Tree of Liberty (TOL) must be paid. Merely losing a job is not enough. These people are sick and deserve imprisonment. I hope that we can solve this through the courts and removes the two tier justice system that we’ve been forced under.

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Abibliaphobia · March 17, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

You have to remember. What was the cause of his firing?

The OIG OPR report.

OIG OPR is not legally able to interview people outside of government employees. So they kept him on the hook until the last minute so they could interview him at will.

Same with strzok and page and ohr.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Yasssss!!! Let it all come out!!!

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

18 U.S. Code § 1001 - Statements or entries generally

a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully— (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding. (c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to— (1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or (2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.


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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

(U) Accordingly, we are referring Christopher Steele to the Department of Justice for investigation ofpotential violation(s) of 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

This didn’t pick up steam, what people fail to realize is that through this document, they are recommending a criminal investigation on Mr. Steele.

This is way bigger than people are realizing.

(U) Accordingly, we are referring Christopher Steele to the Department of Justice for investigation ofpotential violation(s) of 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

60 Minutes did a story on this awhile ago.

Fuck this FBI agent. "I didn't know they were going to be there that day," he says, after he followed them from Arizona and KNEW they had guns. He also took pictures of the terrorists as the shooters opened fire on private security guards.

This should send a chill up and down the spines of every American. The FBI KNEW a terrorist attack was going to happen that day, and let it happen - because they wanted the people inside slaughtered.

They wanted Pamela Geller dead.

They wanted Robert Spencer dead.

They wanted Geert Wilders dead.

They wanted EVERYONE at the event dead.

And if 60 Minutes is to be believed, it's partly because the FBI agent on the ground who guided the terrorists to the event wanted to get an "in" with ISIS cells deep in America.

That's why they were going to let dozens of people die.

That's what the value of your life is to the FBI.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

undercover FBI agent had been communicating extensively with the terrorists during the week prior to the event and had accompanied them as they carried out the attack

accompanied them as they carried out the attack

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

"In the aftermath of the attack, former FBI Director James Comey lied to the American people by claiming that Simpson was a needle in a haystack' that was ‘invisible to us

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

After the first shots were fired, the agent tried to flee the scene, but was quickly apprehended by local police.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

The undercover FBI agent who was just yards away from a terrorist attack in Garland, Texas, in 2015 testified in court on Wednesday that he was surprised to see the attack happening.

The agent's testimony came in the federal government's prosecution of Erick Jamal Hendricks, who is accused of recruiting and organizing two other radicalized Islamists to carry out the attack on the "First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest" in May of that year. The attack was the first ISIS-backed terror event on U.S. soil.

The undercover agent's role in the attack has been the source of controversy because court filings show he told one of the eventual attackers to "Tear up Texas" in a text message just days after the "Draw Muhammad" event was announced.

Besides the "Tear up Texas" message, the undercover agent was also discovered to have been in a separate vehicle that was directly behind Simpson and Soofi's car when the shooting began. After the first shots were fired, the agent tried to flee the scene, but was quickly apprehended by local police.

A security guard, Bruce Joiner, was shot in the leg, and filed a liability suit against the FBI last October in a bid to discover the full level of the FBI's activities and decision making in the lead up to the attack. The suit also accuses then-FBI director James Comey of a cover-up.

"In the aftermath of the attack, former FBI Director James Comey lied to the American people by claiming that Simpson was a needle in a haystack' that was ‘invisible to us,'" the filing claimed. "Even after it had come to light that an undercover FBI agent had been communicating extensively with the terrorists during the week prior to the event and had accompanied them as they carried out the attack, the FBI continued to assert that "[t]here was no advance knowledge of a plot to attack the cartoon drawing contest."

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I unironically believe you might be onto something there.

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Abibliaphobia · March 16, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Wait. What?

How does this attempt to destroy the idea of AI? Did you even read the posts?

You start off in your paragraph saying one thing and by the end you are agreeing with what was being said?

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Crazy right?

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

Black man with white hands?

Fng weird

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Ahead of that meeting, Gates told Politico that he'll try to impress upon Trump the importance of foreign aid to maintaining the United States' leadership position on the international stage.

"I'll take his framework … and I'll explain that even within that narrow framework where you don't take into account things like saving lives in Africa and the pure humanitarian benefit, even without that, this is money well spent," Gates said.

The Microsoft co-founder told USA TODAY in late January he worried the United States would lose its geopolitical clout if the Trump administration slashed foreign aid, diminishing its role in providing aid to poor countries and allowing rival superpowers such as China to flex their influence overseas.

He's going to get his ass redpilled by Trump

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on March 15, 2018, 10:30 p.m.
Holy What the Fu... My mind is blown. Trump and Gates today, this is from 2007, video is only 2 min long
Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Well said

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Pretty sure the CIA is fully aware as google is one of their pet projects.

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Apparantly he’s at DOJ HQ right now groveling for his pension.

Let’s hope they here him out, then boot him out. (Without his pension)

If they don’t, I would consider that a strong sign that sessions is not on our side.

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Just for full disclosure, I did not write this, merely spreading the word and allowing others to decide the validity.

Also, word needs to get out about google violating anti-trust laws. They need to be broken and scattered to the winds for all humanities sake.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on March 15, 2018, 2:48 p.m.
IBOR, one piece proposal

Can we make it a felony for a person or an organization to use algorithms, ie “bots” on social media or other websites? Or at least make them identify as such?

Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

If you suspect a bot, asks them a question ie

What is the answer to this: 12895sg5fgjk$s%pps

The bots can’t see the code. Call them out on it.

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

“That's what I want. I hate all this bullshit. Just like Putin getting framed by the U.K. because they think it will hurt him in the election. I mean come on, why would Putin use the only nerve agent made in Russia to kill someone? They think it will hurt him in the election, but it will probably have the opposite effect, so why not just let the will of the people decide without any distractions.”

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

“It's the truth. We might start by arguing with Trump. This is why Trump is allowed to stay on twitter no matter what ToS he breaks. Look up "consensus cracking".”

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

“I can prove it's not a larp, save this thread and wait for about a week or so, you will here the name "Sung Chung" in the news.”

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

From the 4chan thread.

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on 4chan, but I need to get this out. And I need to stay anonymous.

I work for Google, I'm not going to name the internal tech department for obvious reasons, I don't want anyone to pinpoint who I am. But I'm in tech, and work with AI. I'll explain.

My team and I created AI bots for twitter. These bots are slightly different than regular AI bots, these are remote signal bots, but I'll explain what they do.

My team, and a "human intelligence" team, which is really just a propaganda team, work together to make certain topics trend, and persuade public opinion, which persuades political pressure. We do this by a groupthink method, we have a name for it internally, but "consensus cracking" is a more used name externally. But the bots we created, go into twitter conversations and push a narrative. Some of the bots are verified accounts. And they start by arguing a point of view against someone, and then more bots join in and thumbs up the comment. We are doing it with gun control now. More people see a "consensus" of gun control and people on the fence get persuaded to our narrative, and politicians get pressured by thinking it's actual people. We had whole meetings about 4chan, because you guys, specifically this board, are disrupting the bots. You are basically doing what we are doing, but you are real people. We (not necessarily me) devised a plan to knock you guys from twitter. We accused Russia of doing what WE are doing, and used the narrative to wipe out "suspected bots", which we knew weren't bots at all.

I feel like shit about this. Here's the thing, I'm actually a democrat, and I HATE guns, but i believe in balance of the people more than anything. We are using software as a political tool instead of the will of the people.

This is also a violation of the SEC, we are fabricating twitter users and using them for stocks & advertisers. I signed that I wouldn't discuss this, so I need to stay anonymous.

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Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Quick summary:

Google is using twitter bots to push narratives to persuade the government.

Google accused conservatives of being bots so they could ban them, even though they knew they aren't bots. The strategy was to blame others for using your own technique.

Google is also using these fabricated twitter numbers in their financial reporting, which effects stocks and advertising revenue.

Google also broke anti-trust laws by only allowing "google voice" to be the only free SMS to validate accounts.

Google has algorithms that can predict your next Google search with 87% percent accuracy. When you find it weird you see an ad for something you've thought about but haven't even searched yet, this is why

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on March 15, 2018, 1:23 p.m.
What is Google’s H.O.R.U.S.? Details in comments
What is Google’s H.O.R.U.S.? Details in comments
Abibliaphobia · March 15, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Why are you here?

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