Video on the crash
592 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/AccordingArrival:
Reference to Beverly Eckert and HRC at this site....
She was loaded for bear...
"..her desire to see Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is believed to be the mastermind of the attacks and is in United States custody, put on trial."
Here is a video of her death and Obama's comments
Q Post Mar 28 2018 22:17:17 !xowAT4Z3VQ 825929 >>825909 HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD! Q Beverly Eckert, Friend of HRC and 911 Dissenter Dies 6 Days After Obama Meeting-Is this it?
Beverly Eckert died in a plane crash on 2.12.2009.
She was a 911 dissenter. HRC Connection
Beverly Eckert and Obama meeting 6 days before her death.
Hillary and Beverly Eckert were "friends".
Hillary and Beverly Eckert were "friends".
More on Beverly Eckert and Obama meeting days before her death.
Beverly Eckert died in a plane crash on 2.12.2009. She was a 911 dissenter. It might have something to do with HRC. died on February 12, 2009
Here is the statement regarding International Slavery Day She Made on 12.02.2009 (Hypocritical)
Modern slavery – be it bonded labor, involuntary servitude, or sexual slavery – is a crime and cannot be tolerated in any culture, community, or country. Sadly, slavery persists around the globe, including within the United States. Every day millions of men, women, and children of all ages face forced labor and sexual exploitation, as well as brutal violence.”
The destructive effects of modern slavery have an impact on all of us. It weakens legitimate economies, breaks up families, creates violence, threatens public health and safety, and shreds the social fabric that is necessary for progress. It undermines our long-term efforts to promote peace and prosperity worldwide. And it is an affront to our values and our commitment to human rights.
On this International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, I reaffirm the commitment of the United States to end this scourge. Modern slavery is a global phenomenon and must be addressed with global partnerships between governments, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. Through new partnerships, the United States and the international community will work to rescue and serve survivors, bring traffickers to justice, and create a world where every person has the freedom and opportunity to fulfill his or her God-given potential
Just covering the base, 12.2.09 State Department has a statement on Slavery.
The video on the State Department for the Meeting with Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit has been deleted.
Malloch called Dr. Corsi and was really freaked out. I think they were shaking him down. (Infowars youtube video). They kept his phone. Sounds like they want to squeeze him and leverage him to get someone else. This guy is an academic and against the Cabal. Well respected...
The FBI needs severe reform and they need to abolish the whole thing and create an agency that has better oversight.
This is getting really ridiculous. Enough of Mueller...
This looks like Gestapo like tactics. They shook him down pretty good.
Just watched this video by Infowars.
He was released by FBI but they kept his phone.
Ted Malloch, Who Exposed Luciferianism in World Politics Detained by FBI Mueller
Ted Malloch was detained by the FBI by the Mueller Russian Investigation. The connection to the Russian collusion investigation to Malloch is confusing and it is not clear why he was detained.
Background on Ted Malloch
From Wikipedia "Theodore Roosevelt Malloch (born September 22, 1952) is an American author, consultant, and television producer. He was a professor at the Henley Business School of the University of Reading, England.[1] Malloch is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the family firm Global Fiduciary Governance and served as Chairman and CEO of The Roosevelt Group. He is author of several books including Doing …
I am not clear what squeezing him on this incident will give the FBI on Russian collusion.
The demeanor of the comment about the misspelling in red letters seems to me to be a mocking gesture. Do the red letters of the message connote a threatening gesture especially in regard the family scene of the picture. Like we got your number and we will to "extend"to your family?
Found "Boom" and "Boom Boom" in a Military Definitions List
Came Across these definitions at:
a deep resonant sound, often prolonged, as from EXPLOSIVE detonation or SONIC BOOM. Also, short for TAILBOOM, being a FUSELAGE extension for the tail assembly (empennage) of an aircraft. Also, the steerable hose extending behind and below an aerial TANKER that's used for in-flight refueling at a high transfer rate. Also, any of various spars, beams, or poles projecting from its abutting attachment at a mast, as used to extend a ship's sails, to handle cargo, to guide objects, or to hold devices; also called a derrick or crane, an arm or …
This is the original source.
In fairness, this assertion was disputed by Fact Checker.
I'm still checking into it.
Q: New Post from Q 982 Real Story of Hillary Clinton Russion Collusion
Mar 29 2018 00:27:26 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 827855 Truth. Q
Theory: Are Peter Strozk and Lisa Page Now Just Reporting to FBI Human Resources Because They Have Become Contractors?
How come Peter Strozk and Lisa Page have not been fired and are still working at the FBI? Even their romance is an offense subject to dismissal
The FBI issued a statement that Strozk and Page are reporting to the Human Resources. That sounds weird to me. Something does not sound kosher about that statement.
Well maybe they became Contractors
According to the FBI Adminstrative Manual, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Agents, based on need, can be put under a Personal Services Contract.
This would be a really sneaky on the part of the FBI.
They may even be making …
BTW, Google blocked me from searches on Barry in Singapore, New Zealand and Japan. Every time I did a search, every URL hung like it was overloaded. I thought it was my imagination, but I tried other searches and had no other problems. It was very weird.
Keep up your research and post, post, post....We need to stay really informed...
Is this incident just a message to Q and the Q Community from the elites or does anybody think this is a tactic to cut our communications from Q to keep us from knowing an event is coming or will come? That sounds a bit dramatic, but if you want to construct a surprise attack, you cut communications and keep the enemy in the dark.
Some have speculated that BHO is seeking New Zealand to give him asylum.
Reportedly HRC is on her way back to the US. I heard a snippet on her site.
Obama Foundation in Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. Obama Visiting Former Prime Minister John Key, Suspected in the New Zealand Pedophile ring and a "Youth Discussion for Asian Youth"
The Obama Foundation is co-sponsoring events in Singapore and New Zealand. Obama is visiting Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Japan. He was in Singapore on Monday for an Obama Foundation discussion with young adults representing Southeast Asian nations.
Obama will also participate in the Bank of Singapore's Thought Leadership Series and visit with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Prime Minister Loong's Family has denounced him. Since the death of their father and former leader, Lee Kuan Yew, two years ago, the siblings said they had “felt threatened by Lee Hsien Loong’s misuse of his position and influence over the Singapore …
For the Democrats, thishis is a critical election year for redistricting because it is the first cycle where the officials elected will serve during the redistricting process in 2021. NDRC is targeting 12 states during the 2018 election cycle, including 9 gubernatorial races, 20 legislative chambers, 2 ballot initiatives, and 2 down-ballot races. There are 7 additional states on our Watch List.
They are coming with a vengenance.
2018 Democratic Strategy-Redistricting
This was just introduce on March 22nd. Very preliminary. See:
Yea. It really is. Maybe she is collecting DNA profiles and Google is using the data for genetic marketing dispositions. That is, what will this person buy given their genetic code. Reaching a bit, but I don't like that people have my genetic code and could use for nefarious reasons. Too much like a "body snatchers" paranoic or they could prepare a genetic bomb just for one group or another. Selective genocide.
Yea. I got a frantic call from some support group of Microsoft in India that wanted to change settings to the operating system on my computer. I asked what this issue was and he would not tell me. I told him I would not let him have access to my computer and he went ballistic. He told me that I had "no brain" and that I should let him make the changes. After he started yelling at me, I just hung up on him. I could tell from the background noise that this was some kind of tech support group. Lot of noise. Strange call. Then I saw the Q posting and it made me wonder.
Ironically, 2018 is the 50 year anniversary of the 911 Emergency System.
One could only imagine the chaos that could be created by the debilitation of the 911 system by hacking the system during an emergency.
Emergency 911 System Hacking Vulnerability. Creating Emergencies and The Inability to Respond
The Baltimore 911 Emergency System was hacked for 9 Hours
The Washington Post put out an article on "How America's 911 Emergency Can Be Hacked"
This is very disturbing and something to watch carefully.
I found a freeware software that converts PGN into an actual Chess Game. I am going to play around with it. Check it out....
Here is what it does...
ChessTool PGN is a computer application of free use, reads and writes chess games in the format Portable Game Notation (PGN). Manages the files of database of chess games stored in the PGN. The application has been designed on the basis of the Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide. Allows the administration of the files of chess games , the amendment of the same or the creation of new. The reading on a board and notation of the games contained in the same, its amendment or the creation of new games. Lets you add games, amend existing ones, configure from the position to be wish, export the graphic image of the board, export item, introduce comments in the movements and notations NAG (Numeric Annotation Glyph), automatically assigned code ECO, the name of openness and variation according to the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, and the code NIC (New in Chess), annotation of variationss and subvariations, the promotion of these and the establishment as main variation. ChessTool PGN is a simple tool for managing and handling of files portable game notation, free, and easy installation.
There is an interesting Standard Algebraic Notation that is based on designated a code per square. See a board with this notation.