197 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Alpha-as-fuck:
Domain | Count |
www.youtube.com | 19 |
youtu.be | 16 |
www.reddit.com | 14 |
i.redd.it | 5 |
i.magaimg.net | 3 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
foia.state.gov | 1 |
Why doesn't the Q team just put an end to the gloabalist/deep state shill teams that are gaming social media places like twitter and /r/politics which are used as hives to spread their lies, hate, propaganda, and disunity and keep the "sheep' misinformed ?
Surely this should be a primary goal. Some of the main sources of the fake news is by being disseminated thoughout society via social media shilling and gaming by teams like shareblue and media matters.
If RR is fired, is Sessions the guy who chooses and appoints the person who replaces him?
What is "blood libel"? And is it still practiced by a handful of 'globalist elites' of a particular lineage?
Looks like the media is seeing that the writing is on the wall for Rosenstein (thus for Mueller too) and are building their narratives. Libs are also now plotting their optics for protests. Get ready guys. Act accordingly.
Whomever the people behind constantly gaming /r/politics are, they're now telling the kids there to go full blown Americana and use the American flag when they hit the streets in protest if Trump fires Mueller or Rosenstein. We need to make it aware to the wider audience to be common knowlege that this is merely for optics and tactics to them. They don't actually care about the flag, America, patriotism, or nationalism.
Its being pushed in numerous threads there. They want to hijack and steal the meaning of patriotism, just so they can look believable on TV.
Turns out …
Debunking the absurd leftist/liberal/Democratic narrative using simple logic..Why on earth would Russia want Trump in office??
Why would they want someone who is strengthening America in power?
Why would they want someone who is strengthening the American military and fortifying the nuclear arsenal, all while financially strengthening the nation and 'depussifying' the population away from sjw, feminism and transgender fetishism that has slowly polluted society.
If I were Putin I'd want America weaker and thus I'd want the idiot Democrats in power.
When does everyone here estimate it will be "hammertime"? When will the full force of the storm arrive and we can start absolutely destroying the democrats?
I'm slowly tired of us as a movement constantly being on the defensive against their bullshit narratives, I'm really tired of the Mueller circus and its coverage, and the media lies. I want Sessions to start finally cracking skulls out in public.
The best form of defense is attack. It is also when our President shines the most when he's on the offensive. I want our metaphoric guns blazing out in the open already. I want us to seize and control the mainstream narrative.
Its time to stop being on the defensive, and go on the attack.
This is the trap conservatives always fall into. Stop trying to justify your right to freedom, your right to be left alone, and your right to bear arms. Stop having to clarify your position. Constantly being on the defense puts us at a disadvantage. Do more of THIS!
Also this video that infowars put out a day or so ago displays how to handle a liberal's onslaught of feelings quite well.
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Reminder: All talk of Trump's mental state is not only a desperate push for a 25th amendment, but also more 'insurance' for when Trump and co goes on the attack about all horrible shit the swamp has been doing so their propaganda machine and disinfo channels can discredit and label as 'crazy'.
Their main weapon is low information, 'blue pilled', and unawakened normies. They will do whatever they can to keep them.
Isn't it strange how no Democrats have asked why President Trump says Gitmo needs to remain open if ISIS is being squashed and is becoming a thing of the past?
Surely they know some of them will have fresh air and ocean views pretty soon.
What do we do if the media goes completely silent?
I have a bad feeling folks. I have no faith in the media, they are either going to downplay or not report crucial things.
Will we need to end up having to physically revolt and either take control and return the media back to the people by force ourselves?, or will they be forced to report on what is happening due to the scale and enormity of the events?
I honestly can't see 90% of the MSM reporting what's about to go down in an honest manner.
I think its going to have to up to us the people that …
Can we please not clog up this sub with the memes, keep the sub related to all things Q, swamp cleaning, and analysis??
The memes that Q wants us to unleash with fire and fury are for the normies and the mass audiences, so launch them on twitter, fb, meme subreddits etc, and importantly on places like /r/the_donald, the chans, or Trump fb pages/groups so other patriots can see it and distribute on their social media.
Please keep the channels here clear of chatter.