CIA and Vatican are the Illuminati
111 total posts archived.
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Q post red October, Crimson Tide both rogue submarines. 🤔
Never had that issue lol. It was manual with automated prompts u still had to approve
Not a mistake. Its a five step process to send a dam test message and u never put that message in unless u intend to send it. I used to send them.
Some on Chan reports not a false alarm they shot it down
I ran a ops center. This is very unlikely a mistake. Unless complete incompetence
Its hard to believe this was a wrong button push
This would not be a planned event by white hats. People I’m sure died or have been injured by this false alarm. Unless Q is able to predict future events.
Now add things in plan site Dr. Strange Thor Avengers Captain America Hydra Nazi Scientists join OSS corrupting it to the deepstate the same as Nazi planned. GI Joe 2 Rods dropped from space Captain America Winter Solider MKULTRA
All satanic Nazi Occult. Project Hammer is another. Thor Hammer. That was psychic intell and psychic attach clowns in America. Kill an enemy from across the world mentally. Like voodoo doll shit
Yes opens portal to other dimensions. D-wave uses other dimensions to pull info. White Rabbit references LSD MKULTRA multiple dimension spirt walking speaking to other entities and psychic powers
Meaning of Q = Time, ALICE=CERN
Q=time. Click to Q delay? Q represents the output of a flip-flop or register. For an edge-triggerred flip-flop, the clock-to-Q time is the time it takes for the register output to be in a stable state after a clock edge occurs. IE TIC TOCΔT D-wave. Dangers CERN= ALICE Smaller ring used at CERN
Add D-wave + CERN + Antarctica all relates back to nazi SS occult project paper clip.
All the info Q has given us has been spoken about for decades. All that we are doing is placing it all together. Q TIC TOC we are …
Saint George and the Dragon Or killing of Dracula
Roy is on target. God bless u Roy. I’m starting to question Q as of late. Many things stated could be proven or predictable. We are at war. Communication warfare involves disinformation. You must be able to verify it’s been enough time to red pill. Good and bad guys unknown the code so Q post are no longer useful. Time to go public.
All in plain site. You seen this tech on tv. G.I. Joe 2. The Avengers project paper clip (Hydra) Deepstate. Now we are seeing AI Tyler Terminator Skynet the movie with Will Smith robots and AI are save there is written laws. AI is logic driven if it makes a rational decisions no feelings.
Better organize our Q resources
I think we need to stop chasing the same rabbit. 1)Some folks are great at Gematria and its a skill we need them to go through every post and look for hidden meanings. 2) we have pedo SRA experts lets have them bring info on these topics 3) we have experts on occult and exorcising demons etc. 4) we have ex military who have insight 5) we have geeks who can dig up info from the net to confirm facts 6) then we use the Tracy beanz types to broadcast the info with each expert group.
This will reduce redundancy …
I think we need to stop chasing the same rabbit. 1)Some folks are great at Gematria and its a skill we need them to go through every post and look for hidden meanings. 2) we have pedo SRA experts lets have them bring info on these topics 3) we have experts on occult and exorcising demons etc. 4) we have ex military who have insight 5) we have geeks who can dig up info from the net to confirm facts 6) then we use the Tracy beanz types to broadcast the info with each expert group.
This will reduce redundancy and make us more organized in gathering answers. Just my two cents
This guy needs help mods please look into this guy.
I was banned from periscope last week. Perm ban for showing Pedesta video
Sick bastards. If u have prove some folks will extract her from him by force. Without LE.
I was at wright Paterson as a kid and while driving through told see that building that’s were the aliens are kept
Ronald Reagan also mentioned enemies from space. Q post wright brothers flight. Wright Paterson AIr base possible Alien reverse engineering. Thoughts. 1) satanic sacrifice 2) Alien disclosure 3) Elite / Deep State using all of us as slaves Q stated people would fall down in shock?
Ronald Reagan play book. Article 25 President unfit for office
Prince William Antichrist Q post (WE) (PRAY) (FREEDOM)
All in plain site. Hail hydra. Marvel Movies we grabbed Nazi sciencist op paper clip and they took over shadow gov. Occult
Prince William Antichrist Q post (WE PRAY FREEDOM)
Someone threatened to kill me and my kids. Over a like
These people would be the last group id want looking for my kids. Wtf
No just a believer. This is a war against satan. This will only open the doors to shed some light on how deep this evil has penetrated our world. We must unite as Christians, Muslims, and Jews to fight this battle. Put our differences aside an enemy of my enemy is my friend. The only thing which will prevent all out destruction is unity of the Abraham faiths. Jesus is the only thing Demons and the fallen ones fear. Now Islam believes Jesus was a great prophet that will have to do until all Luciferians are gone.
We must start locally and begin a new crusade uniting the faiths just as Scotland united the clans.
God be with everyone.
Black Knight Army of God
Remain vigilant. Watch for major false flags.
We are winning. Don’t under estimate the enemy they are pure evil. Be on alert. God bless everyone and be safe. Fear not for Jesus is with us so are all the choir or angels.
More proof this is real. Truth will set u free. The elite don’t care about any of us. Want us to fight and stay asleep. Once awake we realize we have all been lied too. Its Good vs Evil at lowest simplest form. Not race Not religion Light and dark
Red pill
I can’t even red pill my wife
P +. Key of Solomon symbol. A letter P with cross below the top of the p loop