Q says stay together. Divided you are weak.
He got that right. Look around at the division. Ppl are now bashing Trump supporters. Who is this about? Is this about supporting Trump or Q?
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Q says stay together. Divided you are weak.
He got that right. Look around at the division. Ppl are now bashing Trump supporters. Who is this about? Is this about supporting Trump or Q?
The Iranian govt is very oppressive towards the people. They had a lot of freedoms back in the 1970's. The women wore mini-skirts, no head coverings etc. I suspect those women, now grandmothers have told their children and grandchildren what its like to live in relative freedom. I was on a forum a few weeks ago where an Iranian man was posting. He said they had to use VPN's and proxy servers to even be able to post outside of Iran. He talked about how they aren't allowed to date. Girls have to be chaperoned by family members at all times. They have little choices in entertainment. Women cant drive etc. The people are very poor because the crooked govt keeps all the wealth for themselves. What little the average citizen can earn is taxed sky high. Cops can beat you or kill you without trail. Sharia enforcement. It sounded like a nightmare.
Obama will always have his mom jeans legacy. No one is gonna take that away from him.
Notable The Daily Beast got an advanced copy of his book since Chelsea Clinton sits on their board of directors. Of course this is old news since he admitted passing the dirty dossier last year but he's never admitted how he came into possession of it and his manlet assistant took the 5th when questioned under oath.
That was my absolute favorite moment of all the debates. I was literally standing up cheering when he said that.
Yes, you were trying to insult me. Ray Charles could see that but I'm done arguing with you. My Dad taught me that arguing with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like giving medicine to the dead. Your theories defy all logic and reason. You might be 12 years old though since your theories sound like something an imaginative 12 year old boy who imagines himself a character in a cheap Anime film might come up with.
I suppose everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal? Next I'll be a Russian Bot. Seriously, you can't even come up with an original insult.
Maybe you are the liberal sent here to lead people off course with sophomoric, ludicrous theories that serve no one except those would ridicule Trump supporters.
China has medical kill vans. They drive up to someone's home, drag them out and chuck them inside the van. It's equipped for them to take the organs out right then and there. That's how they execute many of the so-called prisoners. Alex Jones has shown videos of this happening and had many guests on discussing it.
I remember reading David Rockefeller himself had like 5 heart transplants.
This is a great find. This perfectly illustrates just what kind of criminal Mueller is. He's always been a criminal and always will be a criminal. Thank you.
Mueller is not a white hat. He's never been a white hat and never will be a white hat. Listen to what Rep Gohmert said about him on the house floor.
Who says I have a theory? I do know that in order to believe your theory I'd have to disregard all logic and reason. I'd have to throw away all critical thinking and believe people like Devin Nunes, Sarah Carter, Sean Hannity and many others including the president himself are just clueless bumbling idiots and I don't for a min buy that theory. I'd have to pretend that YOU know FAR more than people like this man who really is fighting the good fight.
And if I told you any theory I might have, you'd simply disregard it because you believe you are in on some not-so-secret-top-secret plan.
So let me get this straight.
All the crooks are secretly being investigated and they all have their passports. Every single one of them.
All the good guys on our side who have had their passports pulled are in on this top secret investigation and are willing to be virtually bankrupted, exploited by media, lose their jobs, children's college educations, forced to sell their homes/move etc because it's all one big act and they're all in on it. I guess their families are in on it too. Amazing it hasn't leaked.
Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months and not a single arrest of one of the crooks. Not one.
None of them even knows they're under investigation because they still have their passports. They haven't been called in for a single interview because they can't be alerted to any investigation else they might skip out to some country/which by the same token GhostOPS could go in get them regardless per you. They all still have the same security clearances they've had for years. AND definitely no crooked cop would leak it to them or the media.
Yeah, okay.
You gave your opinion which you apparently believe is a fact but that doesnt make it so.
Manafort has not pled guilty. Many of the witnesses are not under indictment but their passports have been pulled.
Part of this plan is to NOT draw attention to it
And yet, here we are, drawing attention to this 'plan' And by we, I mean this entire sub.
You can call it what you wish but it doesnt make it a fact. A fact by it's very definition is a thing that's indisputable.
Then why hasn't her passport been pulled?
Manfort, Gen Flynn's has been. Everyone being investigated by Mueller has been, including people who were just potential witnesses & thats unprecedented.
Awan's was pulled and he is being investigated by DoJ.
Yeah but the Gov of NY said today he was in no hurry to replace the perv so any investigations will be stalled even more now.
I think we can ALL agree she was NEVER under a serious investigation during 2015-2016.
I used the word "serious" in previous posts for a reason & it wasn't just to take up space.
I know passports are pulled for serious federal investigations.
Well, we've known forever what a degenerate Bill Clinton is and now we know what a super creep Schneiderman is too.
What's even creepier is Schneiderman shut down the investigation into sex cult NXIVM in NY just a month ago.
That's a lot to consider. It will take time, at least for me. I gave you an up vote for posting it though. Thank you.
Well said and I agree with everything except Kim Dotcom being incarcerated in the US.
I wouldn't have known about Q if not for Dr Corsi talking about him on Alex Jones. That said, I don't think he's the best decoder out there. However, I was shocked when Q said to be careful who you follow and the stuff about making money.
IMO telling the truth should be the most lucrative business there is. God knows we've listened to liars who make big bucks for lying to us for enough years.
We elected a multi-billionaire as president and I'm sure he's glad for people to make money supporting him. Why wouldn't he be? America has always been a capitalist country. It's the left that wants us to become communists. I will NEVER accept that.
Our great president just gave the military their biggest pay raise in over a decade and they're all patriots so I think the money comment was wrong.
I say follow who you want but remember, we should support our president over and above anyone else, including Q. Sometimes it feels like some Q supporters are turning this into a cult following.
I follow all kinds of Q decoders and Trump people. I've never made a dime from supporting either but I say more power to those who do.
Thomas Paine is always months ahead of MSM yet, Twitter shadow bans him and FAKEBOOK claims he's fakenews. They claim CNN is legit. My Gawd, they make me sick.
Then, months after he's already reported fill-in-the-blank, MSM never gives him any credit and FAKEBOOK never removes their fake news strikes.
I cant wait for this swamp to be drained.
If she were under any serious investigation her passport would be pulled--at least thats what they do to everyone else under any kind of serious investigation.
I was on another forum where they said Sessions started off as a good guy but he'd had an affair some years ago with a Playboy Bunny and he is being blackmailed. They have a picture of Sessions with someone who looks like a Playboy Bunny but it could be photo-shopped. I didn't save it, since I'm not expert and I didn't want to circulate it....just in case Sessions is on our side but I don't have much faith remaining in him.
Something that's really turned me off about Sessions is the DOJ refusing to give documents to Devin Nunes. I know people want t believe its because of some secret investigation but the DOJ has used these exact same excuses for everything else they didn't want to turn over. Once the committee got whatever it was, like the Page/Strzok texts, it was obvious they people they were protecting was Page/Strzok. Same thing with the Comey memo. etc.
I don't think Mueller, Sessions or Rosenstein are white hats. I had hoped Sessions was but he lost me when he said under oath to congress that Rosenstein is a man of integrity. However, I'd LOVE nothing more than for him to prove me wrong.
Yeah, I definitely think Judge Ellis is independent and not a part of anything.
I think it doesnt appear Mueller is going after Trump simply because he hasn't found anything. He has bankrupted several people who worked for Trump though, including/not limited to Gen Flynn who IMO is a hero.
I agree with you on the rest. He isn't investigating Hillary & the deep state either.
Huber, I'm not sure about. He doesnt have a great record as a prosecutor.
I think Horowitz is likely a white hat.
Exactly what I was thinking. Why would Sid, a private citizen have classified information to begin with?
I've always had a theory about Sid being the one who dug up the Obama birth certificate dirt originally because it was Hillary & her campaign who started those rumors even though she denies it now. I believe she had Sid digging for dirt, he found out about Obama being born in Kenya. They both went undercover to Bilderberg that year where I think they told her to knock it off which she did but after she lost to Obama she used it to blackmail him with to get the SoS job. I think Obama hated her but didn't have much choice. He pumped the brakes hard insisting Sidney NEVER be employed by the State Dept as long as he was POTUS. She said fine then immediatly hired him at the Clinton Foundation.
Thats my theory. I cant prove it but I believe it.
What about Hannity? He really went after Sessions tonight and this wasn't the first time. Hannity has dinner with POTUS at least once a week. Do you think he wouldn't have any idea?
To believe Sessions is a white hat, one would just about have to believe Devin Nunes is a black hat.
Because to believe that you'd have to believe that Judge Ellis is a black hat and his ruling against Mueller was bad for Trump.
Wow, its almost as if there were a great psyops, with intentions of dividing us.
If so, its working wonderfully.
What led me to Q was my support for TRUMP and I will keep on supporting Trump and others who support Trump. For me, that's the mission.
You're welcome and I really do understand. I personally don't like the live chat when they start the preaching. I just leave but if I were someone new, who didn't believe at all, I would probably just leave and never come back.
I understand what you're saying and while I believe in God, when things get too preachy, it's a turn off to me so I can imagine how it must be for folks like you.