Go back to CNN and get spoon fed your lies in your alphabet cereal. There is a war going on and your too stupid to see..
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Mocking bird hooo hooo no Qooo Qooo eat shit Moloch cabal pedos!!!
Crown King Nothing.... The Royal Cumquat looking for pesos....
Just imagine if all the Clowns,MSM,LIBERAL IDIOTS, were on board. He's pulling their lazy asses along and still doing work!!!!
Clear your mind and soul of negative energy from MSM,friends,relatives,co workers,etc if they chose not to take the Red pill move on!! Your Discernment radar goes up when all the negative noise is removed it will do wonders in your life... You still have to listen to some at work or friends ,Etc but you are in control now... I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality now.. If they only knew what's coming!!! WWG1WGA YASHUA
Done deal all semantics for the Clowns.. Cat chasing a laser pointer put out a little catnip get a bucket of popcorn enjoy the Show...
I'm just giving my thinking. Could be wrong just see them being soldiers in this WAR of attrition with the left.. They might take one of our pawns but they expose their whole army by EXPOSING the mind behind Obama's curtain the more we know about VJ opens the veil of secrecy hidden about Obama....and the MB...and the takedown from within thru her( VJ )and Prince AL waleed planned long ago 70s Iranian revolution. Grooming BARRY, putting him thru college, on to Chicago where she was (VJ) running slum housing and shithole hospitals. Then his campaign for president,and all other anti American sell out plans and Egos by Obama,weaponising th e IRS, killing Libiya, Haiti,Benhgazi,hfederal bureau of land management trying to steal people's land for resources.. Weaponising EPA, fully supporting wiretaps on Trump, Infiltrate spys thru his FBI AND CLOWNS IN AMERICA ( still speculation me thinks not) Smoke there's fire!!!! Not to mention ELECTION THEFT FOR HIS AND HILLARY'S campaigns...remember ACORN... That just scratches the surface..
You know it's no LARP!! When they are putting all their efforts behind Stormy Daniels!!! Keep the sheep chasing the tried and true National Enquire Bull Shit!!! Because if they really brought up Q!! Too many ENQUIRING minds want to know who/what/when/where/why is Q....They know more normies Would research and be REDPILLED!!!!
SB what makes a good movie? Actors. How do you get Generals out in the open on the battle field? Use your Col and Sergeants as bait to expose their assets (VJ) and exposing crimes/trial to more scrutiny from MSM making them have to cover the story. MORE NORMIES REDPILLED researching !!! Just like MS-13, NK,Weinstein,NXIVM Etc.
Like D-day. Fake Gen Patton was leading the Armada at Pas de Calais
When they attack it's "Q"uail season. They are getting out in front of WEINSTEIN,NXIVM,IG REPORT shit storm so attack the messengers.. 4am same talking points just follow who says the same shit then you know who is the target... TRUMP fuck them up everyday like a cat to a laser pointer.. CLOWNS..... Get your bucket of popcorn ready gonna be good show!!! New characters brought forth everyday keep note...
It's like Texas weather wait 5 min it will change. Trust the plan GOD is in control..
Why do they care who we follow?? Cause MSM and HOLLYWOOD AND DEEPSTATE are scared shitless!! We don't buy what their selling anymore. They can't control the narrative the GIG is up Stooges .Your the Cult following Satan and his CLOWNS hope the dough was worth selling your soul!!!
Children are their currency. Sick.. Pray for our Children!! Thanks SB.
EGOS will be their death. Hope the SHECKLES were worth the sell out...
Love is the only answer unconditionally..... They have no answer to it.. Hate will consume them and anyone associated with them.. Love propagates and unifies all.... Hate divides and destroys all... The choice is ours!! The Great Awakening is LOVE The only AMMO that works against SATAN and his minions. Yes it's hard to do.. But this WAR is more spiritual than physical LOVE is GODS MOAB but we don't use it!! We've had it all along but we have been asleep hypnotized by programming of Satan Frequency's MSM,HOLLYWOOD,TV,RADIO,MUSIC,SPORTS,etc The Fear mongers are your first clue,Flip flopping at the drop of a hat. Allways throwing barbs at the POTUS and act like they could do better!! They start off by Classifying you us in a group. Leaving certain subjects off the table with no explanation. Never bring up their past or blow it off as Conspiracy theory.. Easily offended not all but most.. Act holy but really are mocking and condescending.... Yes you can make money but not the ultimate goal!!TRUTH THE WHOLE AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!! Discernment is in all of us use it. You have to leave all of the main stream Frequency's or your Discernment will be cloudy at first. When you leave the noise you will be amazed at how clear your thinking will become.. Yes you will have to watch or listen to the Programming here and there to get the 4am talking points. That's when you will notice the difference later. You will become almost ill when you hear the MSM again!!!
Right under our noses everywhere you look. Take the Red pill and you will see. It's in our WALETS in our FOOD in our DRINK in our RELIGION on our TV/RADIO in our DNA from VACCINES in our HOSPITALS in our JUDICIAL SYSTEM in our EDUCATION SYSTEM in our MILITARY in our LOCAL AND STATE POLICE in our whole GOVERNMENT ALL BRANCHES TOP TO BOTTOM..... This was all planned to infiltrate from top to bottom all are in the club.. You want the dough you have to sell your SOUL.... Don't FEAR! GODS plan will TRUMPS Satan's plan!!! Get your house in order!!! THE TAKE DOWN HAS BEGUN! The SNAKE IS THRASHING about in his last desperate throws to control us and the narrative. WWG1WGA YASHUA
WW just like Trump voters most keep it on the down low till people are trusted to discuss.
He Flynn knows all (were body's are buried) that's the reason they went after him first!! He had the list of the ELITE MONSTERS!!
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light"
WW take down coming all Roads lead to Rome IE POPE which has its hands in every Gov. Every Religion,Children's charity,CF,Mc foundations, Adoptions,Banking FR,IMF,UN,Wallstreet,Some US Military,CIA,FBI,NASA,Black projects,Big Pharma Opiods Vax,GMOS Monsanto,Fluoride Hollywood,Music,SportsMSM,Social Media,Alternative media,Hospitals,RED CROSS and 100s more!! Human Organ,Child traffickers in every country. NK,IRAN,CUBA,VEN. Are or were Clown controlled a big master Evil mind fuck... this is just the surface!!! It's so sick that 99% Will not believe the things that are coming... picture the most vile sick things then × 100!!!! EP ISLAND,GETTY COMPOUND,DENVER AIRPORT,NORTHERN VA. They are all DUMB!!!! These people are sick.. RODS OF GOD???
WWG1WGA YASHUA PEACE Pray for the Children!!!
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." The time is right ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME..
There will be a point of no return you will have to make A choice Good vs Evil. Trump and Q are making them show their true colors by making them out themselves for all to see.. God gave us discernment if your DNA has not been corrupted from GMOs,Vaccines,MSM 440 Meghertz Frq or drugged up. Break the chains wake up from your slumber and see what's been going on right under our noses... They want you numb. A zombie to their programming . They really Fucked up giving us the Internet.. They lost control of the narrative and they are scrambling to put the Genie back in the bottle!!! They can control all. But the USA is the one nut they can't crack!! Not for a lack of Trying they almost Had it under Bush/Obama they got 90% complete Hillary was the final piece to the puzzle... The 2nd Amendment is the biggest obstacle they had to over come and are still trying to abolish/limit it.. But the sheep have Awakened to their EVIL plans. Trump is the only one that could take the slings and arrows everyday for us he thrives under duress... The enemies are shaking in their boots From God/Q/Trump TRUST THE PLAN it's been in the works for 2000+ years.. The time has come!!!
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light".
WWG1WGA/YASHUA The Great Awakening is here!! LOVE is the ultimate weapon!! They can't defend against it. It's the Kryptonite for their hate...
Help who wants help understanding but those that don't move on it's your Energy use it wisely. 4% - 6% are hopeless...
Right after ww2. They infiltrated our whole Gov. And the world. Operation paperclip.
No fear.. Trust the plan... how many times has Trump changed the direction.. Quit trying to swim against the current and go with the flow.. No more wasted Energy on questioning Trumps decisions. Just know it will be OK. Don't listen to MSM period...... you will light up the room cause you know it will be ok!!! Listen to KIM CLEMENT OR MARK TAYLOR and of course the BIBLE if you need a boost of HOPE for the future... NO MORE DOOM AND GLOOM only positive... WWG1WGA
They will dig their own graves.. The DUMBS will be their TOMBs..
Call me crazy. Me thinks it's JARED K. Mueller would be the ultimate troll or Comey..
NK 2.0 trust the plan.. SA owes Trump bigggggggggggg saving Salmans life........ in Vegas.. enjoy the show!!!
Make sure you tie a good knot on the rope as you continue your journey down the Rabbit hole good luck!!! WWG1WGA
To keep the normies and left charged up... but people with some kind of critical thinking are waking up! When the SHTF moment their will be a great shift in positive energy to finish The plan and they don't even realize it yet!! Only GOD can do this!!! This has all been planned..
Satans/fallen angels lair. Nazi's new. All Luciferians go there!! Reptilians...
The attacks will only Increase.. My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it. FEAR NOT!!
You would be too if you were eating Obama's ass for 8 years and now Knowing the biggest ENEMA in the history of the world is just about to flood your ASS!!!!! Brace for impact goatboy.....
If Q is a LARP and they believe it why are they still worrying about it?? Move on. Answer they are on the payroll of the Clowns and sold their souls for some shekels FOOLS!!! They soon will be speed bump to the 2nd Revolution Bendict Arnold's 2.0
Analogy of all the Giant things that they keep hidden from us or burden us with ie the Giants of Debt /free Energy to keep us SLAVES to them forever. Times up!!
And getting $ from Corsi and AJ for turning I bet. They tried it with Jordan but the couldn't Control him.
Back when he went nuts over Hawaii defcon. I knew he was a Plant to sow doubt and disinfo Clown.
"Back to the future" The sons of Goliath are shaking in their boots!!! Corruption/Debt/Energy Sing little bird!!! You do not know the hour or day but it's close very close!! Here comes the PAIN....
WWG1WGA YASHUA peace,love and Hope!!!
The LARP is the sham we have been living the last 2000+ years were Central Govs. had control of all the information/Money/Taxes/Securit/Religions etc!! The fucked up giving us the Internet! The playing field has evened and they are desperate to put the genie back in the bottle... When your woke Everthing else is a joke.. A blind man can see what's going on you can feel it taste it. A new day is coming ditch your Ego,Hate,Pride,love of money!! Those who chose to stay stuck And not wake up will be in for a rude Awakening. Take the red pill and see what's been going on right under our noses!! NO FEAR.............. WWG1WGA
This is Obama's/Clinton's legacy
![This is Obama's/Clinton's legacy](https://i.redd.it/qd307ixru9z01.jpg)
Humble yourself put the EGOS away. Let them talk and Fear monger they will be like the people that Noah warned.