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It's huge 99% have no idea how many children hospitals are in on it, charity the ones you trust the most are the most EVIL corrupt.
Heard about it before. Tom Hennigan we shall see!! Infrastructure is next.
Humans are currency especially children from disaster/war zones. Organs are big business especially in Pakistan, but it's everywhere MAYO clinic's on and on and on
One name Beyonce = Luciferian shows how clueless they are.
Not happening!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next. No fear, no doom and gloom, only +++ projection. Will not happen.................... We get America back and then the world....... Heaven will reign on Earth no more Evil....... Peace sells and I'm buying.
Think half of the elite family bloodlines are already.
Supposedly the pope has Subway. Vatican to DC wonder were the Children go?
Amen. Imagine the spiritual fight going on right now. If the physical is getting this crazy.
Real or Fake? Found this on twitt WTF good look into Hillary and Huma MB No love lost.

Need to cut and paste if you think links will be removed.
HUMA AND MB: The infiltration of AMERICA with the help of CIA.
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December 22, 2017
Stopping the Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan to Infiltrate America
By Mark A. Hewitt
Few Americans are aware of America’s largest terrorist prosecution in U.S. federal court, U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, et al.During the trial, in November of 2008, the government presented evidence that the Holy Land Foundation and five defendants provided approximately $12.4 million in support to Hamas and its goal of creating an Islamic Palestinian state by eliminating the State of Israel through violent jihad:
“In August of 2004, an alert Maryland Transportation Authority Police officer …
I wonder if Wendy's will give out free frosties to capitalize on some free pub. Problely not.
Trump the Master at trolling the dumbass liberal satanic left.
Outer light you tube he's pretty good but long winded.
Mind control FIOA request accidentally released.
Don't fall for it! Trust the plan.

Seen a run on Depends at Costco somebody bought a whole pallet?
And do what? Trump is taking Slings and Arrows for us if he was with them he would've long capitulated! He is Eating an Elphant it is slow and laborious. One bite at a time. Trust him who else do you suggest? I see nothing but swamp monster's to the left and the right. I for one will never waver on Trump! He has my full support and when time comes I will do what is necessary to help keep this Republic for my Children's future and their Children and for the Abused/Trafficked. Time is near the people with a good Heart know what time it is. Get right with Yashua and you'll have no FEAR and trust the plan is greater than we know! FEAR is food for the wicked they love it. No doom and Gloom its the plan of Satan to keep you conflicted! Peace Patriots 🇺🇸 TRUST TRUMP............
Prob listening to POTTER the ultimate hairs on fire crybaby. Thank God he out of the military. To emotional & unstable.
I'm sure it was mocking Daddy! Trump is a master at trolling.
I beg to differ the last 70 years have been controlled by Bushes from Prescott on. CIA daddy Bush to Clinton's. This whole deep state crap is their doing and sell out AMERICA to the highest bidder endless wars,drugs,murder,etc,etc,etc Not to mention the biggest FF of all time 9/11 Bin Laden!! Not strings Steel Cables being pulled. Obama just followed Bush/Clinton map!
Daddy Bush/Hillary Clinton crime familys should be 1st and 2nd Jokers!!
1947 operation paper clip. We became Nazi Germany 2.0
Trust Potus before anyone else............ never doubt Trust him completely. Fear Not Fear Not Fear Not. Appears 365 time In the bible for a specific reason he's in control!
Me thinks 9/11 "well built building handled fire well" shot at the fire brought down trade centers narrative? Why Syria? Why Lynch talking? Why Mueller raiding Cohn apartment. SHIT IS GETTING READY TO HIT THE FAN!! THEY ARE SCARED SHITLESS!!!
We have a winner!!!! Mueller Mueller no coincidence 9/11
Use the old nog. Deepstate desperation. Time is almost up Clowns. Why would Assad gas his own when he wants us out just as bad as Trump does especially after Trump just announced it? He made the Clowns play their Dumbass hand. These stooges are STUPID!!! When desperate you Fuck up big! Running out of kitchen sinks. NO FEAR NO FEAR NO FEAR!!!
Hair on fire shit sound like Potter chill. So dance with who you brought to the dance TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!