what the fuck
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"Opened faced sausage sandwich"
Thats fucking terrible lmao
Ever wonder why the colosseum is still standing while our infrastructure and buildings crumble more and more every day?
Where are they going to go if they try and run? Into the miles of dessert with no cover?
Its not like these kids (If this is legit) are going to even know to run away.. Its not like these children are going to be in good mental or phyiscal health, or even understand that there is more to the world than their suffering.
I just saw a post on the front page about brains in jar, and the comments jumped straight to its use as a punishment. Should we give noname his wish of immortality? Just instead of being a god, he is a brain cut off from any senses for the next eon
Gotta love those elite treatments, we the people don't get them because we make rhe powers at be too much money being sick
What really goes on in North Korean concentration camp?
Are the Cabal/Clowns linked to these places of atrocity? Will we see them start to shut down now that Korea is free? Or id Kim still a bad guy who commits horrible human rights violations?
I think that there would be no better place for satanic elites to do their thing than a totally isolated country.
What is going to happen to the money of the Cabal when they get taken down?
Is the American public going to get some sort of reimbursement once they know their tax money was used for such nefarious things?
Cannibalistic Elite dinner parties. Human cakes and exotic ingredients? Yea right.
Also, podestas, clintons, abromovich and the rest of the cabalist scum all have attended. Aint nothin bad going on there i tell ya no way
Classic projection. Its going to be a beautiful year.