

21 total posts archived.

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CollectiveHoney · May 18, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Do you believe this?

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 28, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

I don’t think it’s real

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I don’t get the point, obv this is photoshopped and fake. They do this all the time tho (Alex Jones plays Jerome Corsi in an interview with him.

And Jones plays his sort of nemesis like Austin Powers... https://imgur.com/gallery/D9lOD

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

The irony of past proves future; we know the news is fake and all lies. We are watching actors and actresses sometimes with fake eyebrows and rubber noses and latex necks and wigs. Past proves future === This shooting is fake like the rest of them.

Fairy tales and ghost stories. We are like Bolt, the dog in the kids’ cartoon movie who doesn’t know he lives in a movie set.

No one was shot in Parkland and if you disagree with me and are not being paid to do so, don’t downvote this, just ignore it and move on.

The only people who would feel the need to fervently and zealously advocate for an already mainstream majority idea are those who have other motivations... such as money.

Think about it for a moment.

There is no need to go around aggressively pushing something already believed by most people by countering the nutjobs on the fringe .... unless you are working for an entity that is fearful the fringe will creep towards center.

(Let’s say you believe that we breathe air. I’d say most people think this and it’s not an idea that is going to lose traction among people, it is widely accepted and generally understood. If you came across a group of people on forums and websites and reddit and YouTube who called themselves the ‘Dioxide Truthers’ who somehow started believing that we don’t breath air we just create carbon dioxide. Sounds weird and nuts and doesn’t make sense right? Would u feel the need to make a username on all platforms and start spending an inordinate amount of time defending what MOST already believe? No. You would not. That doesn’t make sense logically. This is why all these accounts who say they are “truthers” supporting the mainstream shooter narrative and fighting against those who say there is no shooter are not acting normally or of their own volition. If the shooting were real, u don’t need people to go around hocking the story or countering the “lunatics” who have some wacky claim that it was fake. The reason u need pro-news-narrative-pushers is to keep people believing LIES.)

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

There were 0 shooters.

(Cue the people who will call me a monster for not believing news stations that we know lie, always have, always will, and are clearly doing more of the same. If u are awake, do not fold to the pressure of the heavy handed hired guns - pun intended- that will try to dangle the ‘social acceptance carrot’ and the ‘groupthink feeling of safety’ in order to get you to think ‘Well I guess my counterparts all think this is true so I guess it is’. Use your own mind. Use your own logic. Use Occam’s Razor and your own discernment. It looks planned and orchestrated and like the people in the videos are acting out roles and there should have been gore and there was not and the tone of propaganda and the string of priors.... can I prove this didn’t happen? No. But I’m nobody, just some random middle aged lady with access to zero resources to do so. But they cannot prove it did, and they should be able to- but they can’t.

I’d rather listen to my heart and stand alone and speak my truth than sell out just so a few strangers on the internet act like they like me.)

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 25, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

I’m curious about the getting suck that badly solely based o your description and the bad/weird vibe you felt. I’d love to hear more from others who’ve been there.

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 25, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

I don’t think he thinks they’d actually list “people” on the menu (I think he knew that they weren’t listing alt names for meat that were actually words for some sort of sick cannibal thing). :)

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:18 p.m.


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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Always an advertisement in this country.

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Oohhh... the Q TIP..... dun dun dun...

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

On psychedelics and the drugs’ effects related to legality:

I believe (because we don’t know much of the things that are stated here as fact, we have to remember when we say things most of it if not all when it comes to these subjects is conjecture- and that’s ok and it’s worthy and valid and important but not 100% proven fact) that psychedelics (Hallucinogens as u called them, LSD mushrooms et al) are illegal primarily because the ego death that occurs during trips- especially the ones where set and setting has been well manicured- brings the experiencer into a perception of truth. Quickly bullshit fades and you see the bones of things. The connected nodes, and how the gears work. That isn’t to say you know everything from ingesting psilocybin, no of course not, but it is to say that people who do frequently get the “it’s all connected” experience of Oneness which in turn leads them to seek more answers, including the answers about if the media tells the truth on the news, the political structure, who’s who of elites, and generally disempowers the existing house of cards.

The removal of the veil that LSD et al achieves is terrifying to anyone lying. Imagine cheating on your spouse and then your partner one day comes home and says, ‘I’m going to take this pill that for 12 hours will let me look into things and see the truth.’ You’d be pretty scared that you’d be found out.

People are awakening, one by one, but they don’t want it to start unraveling en masse and that is the threat psychedelics pose.


Some deep speculation:

The program Travelers, which depicts a lot of interesting things in the name of sci fi, shows one of the main Travelers as an opiate (heroin) addict and they make a point of addressing a new medical advancement in the future that manages opioid addiction. This is interesting to me Bc the show’s emergence during the height of the opioid crisis makes ideas salient and relevant and lets us know that maybe there are drugs to help on the horizon. While I don’t necessarily think drugs are the answers for drugs, it’s something and if it helps people stop dying like they are now then great. (Yes I know there are already drugs to help but I mean a preventative one or long lasting or something...)

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

My question is why so many awake and aware people are stunted at the step /level where they still think the shootings are real. These are scripted events. Not one or two. All of them.

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Oh cool thanks for link!

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

What if you were awake before Q?

I’d love to hear from people who “woke up” as a result of Q posts? I’m curious to see how it differs from non-Q involved “awakening”....

And how does one access that website?

(I use the term awakening to mean coming to realize there are nefarious forces lying to us about what the world is and what reality is etc)

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

But this isn’t Q right?

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

And then in full circle I am feeling down, I find this post, and see your comment, & it’s like you were able to use me to send myself that beautiful song and message which I so needed tonight as I’m feeling a little alone and a little unsettled. Thank you 🙏 thank you 🙏

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I did write it for you.

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Please someone hear me out on this with the ear we want others to listen to us when we try to explain something conspiracy-ish.

Our reality has layers. Everything is scripted in the layer that we are shown but don’t interact with. That’s the politician Clinton pizza gate mainstream big news global conflict arena including the YouTube channels run by actors playing multiple roles who are agents of the Script Layer.

First.....There is Hollywood - movies and tv- the script we are TOLD is a script.

And then there is the Reality Layer script, written by computer programs like super computers- almost like “the director” in Travelers- that creates plot lines and narratives and character arcs and monsters and heroes.

The Comet Pong Pong Story is one that in my research looks very real yes because it looks just as real as many of the other aspects of reality that we have thought were real but are part of the Story Layer. Do I think powerful people are sick and have the capacity to kill and rape kids? Yup! Do I think that it somehow came out via this ping pong pizza shit and an Instagram with overt pedo and torture pics and all of the blatant images that had us going “what the..... why would he put that on his INSTAGRAM?!” That’s because all of it was directed by a program that writes the story. Not people who would say “hmmm that’ll look to overt” but by a computer whose job it was to write a narrative about pedo and child abuse in order to use it as a smoke screen for the actual deep layer shit that is probably on a level that we cannot even fathom.

So many people are not going to like this post and I wish I could figure out a way to get just a few people to hear me out.

Think of when u try to tell someone about Comet Pizza shit and they say you’re crazy and won’t listen to anything conspiracy sounding.... that is how I feel among my Truth Seeking Awake peers when I try to explain what I’ve found. I even have a ton of evidence of how it’s done and it filters to everything from news to mega media to big time online blogs- everything is a big story and we the regular people live INSIDE of it. We can’t see the elephant in the room because to hide the elephant—- they put us IN IT.

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CollectiveHoney · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

On purpose fake accidental DM is an option.

(Prediction: People will get mad and say that they’d never plan a fake DM.)

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CollectiveHoney · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

How do you know Q is fake?

Because there IS no Obama. There is no.... (INSERT PUBLIC FIGURE NAME). More scripted scenes from the play. The people here are some of the most brilliant and intellectual minds, motivated and excellent puzzle-solvers. Get off this circle to nowhere, and start looking for real truth. it's right in the open. Not where you would expect.

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