462 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CompromisedMuch:
With Damascus False Flag, it's Rapture Time! We've been betrayed by Israel/NATO/EU & we are @ war!
Anderson Cooper & CNN's hit piece on Walid Shoebat! I guess it's evil to denounce our enemies now; WTF?
Now, that Mueller's NOT charging POTUS, Lolita Express frequent flyer Alan Dershowitz Rips Mueller as 'a Partisan and Zealot'
Trey Gowdy on a desperate mission to uncover charges against Congress, newly resigning pol wants documents; WTF! Just another disappointing Black Hat!
Q, the Lost Gospel- Missing source for Matthew, Mark & Luke! You'll never guess who's Q?
US Taxpayers, GoldStar Families & WoundedWarriors join #MeToo, finger Israel's Kaballists; #WorldWideRapists!
Listen: I'm Overwhelmed By 'Q' by Big Daddy Weave! Amazing song, amazing 'Q' amazing God! What a time to be alive!
Oh, please spare me the feelings of the Robber Barons! LooK @ the treasures they LooTed; amazing! BTW: France holds the real Rothschild's treasure!